1. Liberal Burblings burbles about Cliff Richard & his 'companion'.
2. Vicky Ford asks where are the missing pensions and student cheques?
3. Toby Harnden warns of Palin-eurphoria.
4. J Arthur MacNumpty on the last installment of WendyGate.
5. Mick Fealty is still waiting for a Palin gaffe.
6. Bob Piper has some uncomradely thoughts on Charles Clarke.
7. LibDem Voice explains why blogging matters to LibDems more than most.
8. LabourHome gives 25 reasons why the SNP's local income tax is a bad idea.
9. Dizzy reveals Labour no longer want to be part of YouGov polls. Sort of.
10. Danny Finkelstein on the exploitation of Margaret Thatcher.
11. Betsan Powys on a very naughty Welsh Tory MP.
12. Cicero's Songs on why McCain's choice of Palin should forfeit him the election.
Hurrah! Glad to have this back, you slacker! :o)
(Verification word: listu -- how apt!)
A thought just occurred to me - have we heard a single leftie dredging up "state funeral for Thatcher" arguments since Carol Thatcher went public about this? I wonder if we ever will again (I hope not), and whether this was part of her motivation for doing so.
Great to have it back. Its been missed.
Glad to see it back
You should be doing much more exciting things between 10 and 11 at night than compiling lists of blogs...
Hooray for the Daley Dozen! I've missed it too. Always a good waymarker.
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