I could have saved this for the Daley Dozen, but I think you deserve a treat. The Ministry of Truth has ripped apart LabourHome, and in particular its poll of Labour activists, which has received so much publicity today. It turns out it was commissioned (and presumably paid for) by The Independent.
Brownite MP and Minister Tom Watson is none too pleased by Alex Hilton's antics. He calls him a "naughty boy", which translated means he's ******* ****, a sentiment many of us can easily concur with. It's easily forgotten that Hilton is a selected Labour Party candidate for Chelsea & Fulham at the next election. I wonder how long before he is officially hauled over the coals
Luke Akehurst has piled in too. He says: "Alex, Jag, you could not have been more unhelpful if you had tried. Try switching on your brains and thinking strategically about the future of the party before initiating these sort of publicity stunts."
Unity from the MoT ends his piece with these wise words...
So, Alex - now you’ve got your bit of investment from the New Statesman, either pull your finger out, sort it out, and turn it into something worthwhile or give it up, because in the state LabourHome is in at the moment, no one would miss it if it keeled over and died tomorrow…
…except Guido and the other Tories who must be pissing themselves over what a complete sucker you’ve been.
No (giggle), that's (smile) very (LOL) unfair (:) on poor Alex (LMFAO).
I would love to link to LabourHome, but the site appears to have been taken offline. Wonder why.UPDATE 2.16pm: LabourHome is back online.
LabourHome can't be allowed to die! Reading the comments left by its raving, head-up-orifice readers is one of the great joys in life.
Whenever I worry that perhaps the polls are too good to be true, I pop over to LabourHome, laugh my head off, and realise why Joe Public thinks that the Labour Party should (metaphorically) be pushed off a cliff.
The site is not offline. Are you merely being disingenuos to cause trouble? Or just being slightly hysterical, as ever?
Who gives a castlemaine about LabourHome????? What i want is a 'F'k off Gordon' t-shirt.
Anonymous,2.10. It was offline when I wrote the post. It's back now.
Messrs Danson and Robinson will be pleased
Isn't it great to watch the Labour luvies bitching at each other over the truth?
It's also funny that Labour bods are having a go at a man who has MADE the Labour numties see the truth in their own back yard.
It's like this Alex bloke has said to the party, here's the score, the whole country knows this poll is true, now deal with it, but all Labour can do is scream like little girls at the bringer of bad news because the truth is killing them.
I REALLY dont know why on earth Labour are worrying anyhow! How on earth could things get any worse?
What is Labour Home supposed to be ? Is it meant to be a wholly unthinking party trumpet or is it a place of debate where supporters can express a point of view about direction, presentation and policy ?
When things are going badly are they supposed to sit around like zombies or contribute to the debate ?
So the Politburo might not like the message...tough, get over it.
Can't see what the fuss is about, TBH.
Can't see what the fuss is about, personally.
Can't see LH now (14.57) but then never mind. They couldn't even think of an original name for the site.
Alex Hilton v Greg Hands in Chelsea+Fulham - I think I might tune in for the results of *that* one!!!
It's a site for navel gazing and the spewing of hatred.
labour home is back on line 2 16
This is the comment the Tom Watson MP isn't man enough to print:
You don’t care because you have one of the counrty’s safest seats!
Spare a thought for your colleages defending seats in the south.
It was you who helped get us into this mess by knifing Blair because “Brown will be sooo popular”.
I knew you were at the time, but still you cannot admit your error.
Sorry what's LMFAO or am i too old?
Shooting the messenger.
Laugh My F****** Ass Off
To be fair, in a more low-key but more regular and repetitive way, the Con Home polls can be just as much an embarrassment to the Tory Party - didn't Gordon even throw the results of one of them into Cameron's face at PMQs?
At least the Alex Hiltons of this world have some humility when they embarass the Labour leadership. Tim Montgomerie instead relishes doing it on our side.
LabourHome is often off-line with a "500 - Internal server error". It is up and down more often than a wh*re's knickers.
What gets me is that the Comrades forget that the whole world can watch as they either plot the downfall of Gordon or continue to spin in the hope that belief will overcome reality.
Watch your incorrect apostrophes Ian
I think you're being harsh here, Iain. As far as I can see, the poll was just a bit of fun and never claimed to be accurate.
It was commissioned by a national newspaper!!
Isn't it Kensington and Chelsea or Hammersmith and Fulham, rather than Chelsea and Fulham?
Pedantic comment from a West Londoner.
Blackacre said...
"Sorry what's LMFAO or am i too old?"
You need this.
It's an internet translator, really easy to use.
Doesn’t like doing swear words from the quick test I did but it works with words like LOL & ROFL.
Hope that helps :o)
"A Disastrous Day for LabourHome"
I wonder if the site hits show that to be the case. FYI - quoting Akehurst and Watson as some kind of "Real voice of the party" LMFAO
It's Chelsea and Fulham - new seat with a notional Conservative majority of more than 10,000.
Seems Alex's hunt for a Westminster seat are stalling. He failed miserably in Canterbury in 2005 and has now been handed an even harder seat to win.
Broon's Talking Bawgie said...
"It's a site for navel gazing and the spewing of hatred".....
Unlike the posts and comments spewed out on CoffeeHouse?
Unlike the posts and comments spewed out on Guido?
Iain doesn't do hate, but the comments are often spewed and hateful and from the likes of you.
Some lobby hack told me that Jag Singh used to work for another party. Anyone know if this true?
Iain. It was neither commissioned or paid for by the Indy.
Please check your facts.
You probably know I am not a fan of Alex Hilton, but I fail to see why he has been a naughty boy or a clucking funt.
Hilton has a penchant for abusing his position, such as it is. He does have form, but he has only published the result of a possibly dubious poll. (where is Stephan Shakespeare when you need him?)It all depends on whether you think he has any real credibility in either the blogging world or the real world.
As to the claim that he is damaging the Labour party, he is merely setting fire to a few deckchairs on the Titanic.
Still, I suppose it gives them all somebody to blame for a while.
Don’t forget to switch the Adult language filter box off (like I did)& the LMFAO will work & swear at you :O)
Alex Hilton should just let that site die. Maybe you should run a poll for the worst political website - Labour would stand a chance of winning that with LabourHome.
Laughing my fat ass off?
I'm not entirely sure what the fuss is here - what the poll shows to me is that roughly half of those polled would be pissed off if Gordon was replaced by A.N. Other.
If only 20% wanted Brown to stay, and 50% agreed on a specific other candidate to take over, that would be far worse..
As if we didn't know it...
The Poll reveals (or at least the furore over the publishing of it reveals) that 99.9% of Labour activists are running scared. Every man, woman and their dog knows that Brown is a lame duck but we're not allowed to say it for if it offends the card carrying members.
Also, I've always been puzzled by what the LabourHome site is for exactly? Seems to me that many of the reasoned voices there are often 'outed' as Tories and then banned. What is left are often candidates for NHS supplied courses of 'reality check' pills.
Frankly, the site is a pale imitation of the ConservativeHome site... and that's a shame actually. It would prosper if it were open to wider audience.
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