1. Ben Brogan's new blog is HERE.
2. Wrinkled Weasel is for once in his life lost for words ... about Jeremy Bowen.
3. Hopi Sen has a laughable critique of Tory economic policy ... have a good laugh HERE.
4. Danny Finkelstein asks if Charlie Whelan has a Downing Street pass.
5. Austrian Times reports further evidence of Britain's police state.
6. Andrew Sparrow reports on Vince Cable's slideshow of doom.
7. Guido has a leaked copy of Labour's web strategy document,. ConHome and I seem to have got them frit.
8. Tom Harris rails against Sunder Katwala's progressive blogging statement.
9. Mars Hill has 20 questions for
10. Liam Murray thinks Labour's campaigning options are disappearing fast.
11. Liberal Conspiracy issues a statement of
12. Dizzy on paying for Dolly.
The Liberal Conspiracy post is... utterly bonkers.
I wonder if the Useful Idiots who signed up to this would care to provide their analysis of how ethical it was of their Labour Party colleagues to knowingly and with malice wrongly accuse Guido and Iain of racism?
Of conspiring to attack the wife of a politician because they wanted to pretend she was mentally ill? (But this must be OK as a psychologist or psychotherapist thought it was a 'brilliant' idea...)
Ethics? Ethics? What Ethics?
"I understand the need for some sensitivity in an era of terrorism, but isn't it naive to think terrorism can be prevented by terrorising tourists?"
Or, indeed, by terrorising the general public.
Labour's Britain in a perfect Austrian nutshell.
Good night (Vienna).
I'm staying away from "police state". I think that it is heavy-handed and ignorant.
And at long last we are starting to begin the process undermining this idiotic policing culture back.
I'm sure you've seen your photo in the Times Iain. Lorraine Davidson was kind to you I see. You must have impressed her greatly because she's very much a labourite. I've done a wee post about it and given you lots of praise :)
Tom Harris "rails against".
Does he really?
"a well-meaning and thoughtful response ... It’s all good stuff ... that attempts to transfer ‘command and control’ will inevitably fail is the part with which I agree most".
"My only issue with it is that it sounds just a tad defensive. However well placed McBride and Draper were, their activities never reflected on me ... Signing up to this statement, valuable though it may be, won’t guarantee that any site’s content will conform to any such standards, just as not signing up to it won’t mean my own posts will fall short. And I’m not suggesting that others shouldn’t go ahead and sign up, or that they are in any way wrong to do so".
Life is good man - got the job. Appears the Tory party is paying for my booze now - get in. Put shed loads of work into it. You get nowt for nowt etc.
If you are wise and follow the money the real power in this country is with UNITE who give (a basicallybankrupt) New labour FORTY PERCENT of their budget. UNITED don't influence New Labour they are its heartbeat and prop it up. New Labours chairman is from UNITE.
Whelan didn't just drop into those sleaze meetings. He was there to hear what was being said as a major shareholder. He had the power to stop any actions he heard about.
UNITED run Labour and with McBride and Draper gone their influence is even greater. Balls career ambitions were scuttled at the weekend by those with most to gain. Brown
must now rely on Madelson for public spin - and the incoming Campbell (who will replace McBride). Madelson will be spending alot of time keeping to the Blairite Center
ground instead of doing his job at trade and industry.
The key battles will be over the budget next week and the queens speech. UNITE will want a slash and burn policy, troughing to the last believing they will lose the election. Madelson will want to take New Labour back to the center ground. Brown is so weak he is relying on UNITE to prop his financial leg up and Mandelson to prop up his political leg. All the time the legs will be kicking each other.
If you are wise and follow the money the real power in this country is with UNITE who give (a basicallybankrupt) New labour FORTY PERCENT of their budget. UNITED don't influence New Labour they are its heartbeat and prop it up. New Labours chairman is from UNITE.
Whelan didn't just drop into those sleaze meetings. He was there to hear what was being said as a major shareholder. He had the power to stop any actions he heard about.
UNITED run Labour and with McBride and Draper gone their influence is even greater. Balls career ambitions were scuttled at the weekend by those with most to gain. Brown
must now rely on Madelson for public spin - and the incoming Campbell (who will replace McBride). Madelson will be spending alot of time keeping to the Blairite Center
ground instead of doing his job at trade and industry.
The key battles will be over the budget next week and the queens speech. UNITE will want a slash and burn policy, troughing to the last believing they will lose the election. Madelson will want to take New Labour back to the center ground. Brown is so weak he is relying on UNITE to prop his financial leg up and Mandelson to prop up his political leg. All the time the legs will be kicking each other.
It was utterly unethical. That's the point. That is what we are criticising, and setting out what must happen.
I hope I've been pretty clear about that
Draper urged to get off political stage (Standard)
Give me a mention some time please Iain.
god Bless you m8.
Iain - they're up to their old tricks again - http://scarymarytory.blogspot.com/2009/04/no-honour.html
The Austrians complain about us being a Police State? The Austrians? When I was young my uncle and his cavalry invaded Austria to overturn a very nasty Police State and to give them the benefits eventually of British Freedoms. How things change.
On for your next dozen perhaps?
Talking of Police States, when I inter-railed through Europe in 1979 I looked like any other young, long haired backpacker. For the most part I was left alone by the police and army (apart from the obligatory wake up at 4am on some ill-remembered border, where conscripted soldiers barge into your couchette and take great delight in waking everyone up and waving guns around - it all adds local colour)
I was standing on a railway platform, minding my own business, when, from the opposite platform a fat uniformed man started shouting at me and waving his pistol. He was incoherent to me, but a friendly bystander explained that he was drunk and ranting about me being a hippy and he was going to shoot me.
Apparently he was a middle ranking policeman.
I was in Belgium at the time.
The buyer is going to be a test of cameron as well as darling. If I were cameron I would want to achieve several things (1) have Labour MPs align themselves with Gordon Brown (2) put some clear blue sky between Cameron and Brown.
To do this I would put up a real fight with Labour to persuade them to vote the budget down. The bigger the fight the bigger the commitment Labour MPs will be making to Brown when they vote it through.
I would also make an issue of efficency savings. Saying Labour Hasnt gone far enough. Especially focus on spending favouring UNITE and special advisors as being wasteful.
As Ian Gibson said to Guido last night let's spend like there's no tomorrow because were f@(ked.
Cameron should offer more money to the REAL poor and disabled by taking it away from cheats and troughers who have benefited from lax controls. Cameron should say Darlings efficency cuts are disingenous and he is not only shutting the stable door after the horses have bolted but it won't work because the real problem is that the horses in the paddock are eating the grass faster than it can grow and they need to be moved to a new barn and he hasn't said how he is going to do that.
Wake up Dozy Daley.
Neither you or Guido are posting on the big story of the day:
Gordon Brown is going to reform the expenses system.
Or was that a spoof on Sky News?
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