Having seen this EU Profiler gizmo on ConservativeHome, I couldn't resist taking the 30 question long test. I did it with a certain amount of trepidation because I guessed what the outcome would be. And in a sense, it illustrates the problem the Conservative Party has in the Euro elections. The test shows that all other things being equal I should vote UKIP. And I suspect that if a lot of Tory members took the same test, it would give the same result. But the truth is that a lot of the questions which led the software to this conclusion, also apply to voting Conservative.
Will I be obeying my computer and voting UKIP? No. I shall be casting my vote for Mr Hannan. Just to be clear!
Also, computer says Labour's to the right of the Tories. Do you agree?
So on the socioeconomic scale, Labour are to the right of the Conservatives.
I thought voting for Dan Hannan was effectively the same as voting UKIP anyway!
It told me to vote BNP. Thankfully I have no intention of doing so. I shall vote Conservative.
ctually, no, you wont. Due to the horrific list system used in GB, you will be voing for the Conservative Party, and if the Conservative party in your area list Mickey Mouse as their number one choice, he becomes an MEP.
In Northern Ireland we do it properly and have the single transferable vote, I'll be voting for the UUP/Conservative Party candidate by name and party.
Rubbish test, no doubt carefully designed by some europhile who considers any dissent to be 'anti-europe'.
There was a some prediction out recently from some EU body regarding the euro elections which was even more fanciful.
On the test, I was halfway between UKIP and Tory. I will of course be voting tory.
Why are the BNP on there as socio-economic centrists? Who makes this shit? They are as left as you get!
The party has placed Dan at the top of the list - so he's getting in come hell or high water.
But like you computer said UKIP but I'm voting Conservative since Cameron fulfilled his pledge on the EPP.
Just done the "Euro" test and I will not be following its recommnedations - BNP/UKIP.
It's a load of Mr Yvette Coopers
Is it possible to read this diagram and say that the Conservative are dominating the all important 'middle ground'?
P.S. I took the test - result is my nearest party is Conservative.
P.P.S. Last time I did one of these my nearest party was Labour.
Completely bogus! I really hope none of my tax pounds are being used to fund this bilge.
Oops, my worst fears are realised. This euprofiler is being 'led' by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. This is part of the European University Institute which was set up by the 6 founding members of the EU.
see: http://www.iue.it/RSCAS/
Actually I have thought this for some time, Ian (also about Dan Hannan). I am one of the founders of UKIP and you would be amazed how many mainstream Conseratives write or say stuff straight out of the UKIP songbook. The problem for UKIP is, as my old friend Michael Vestey used to say 'you can't possibly win'.
lol, what a classic.
At least I come out nearest Conservative, which is good, but almost equidistant from Labour and UKIP (?) and come out neutral on EU (?) and to right of Labour!!
Interesting was seeing "Analyse nearest party"- Con was much stronger than me on increasing welfare state! Indeed that was strongest policy of our party! Weakest policy of party was Law & Order! (I was well to the right- I guess this is the ID card question maybe- hence Labour to right of Conservative?)
Just shows, depends what questions you ask and how your belief system works...
Iain - you need to take into account who wrote the questions ... i.e., someone who is a strong Euro-sceptic
Waste of time.
Conservatives for me. There are some questions there that can catch you out e.g.
"The EU should speak with one voice on foreign issues". Well, yes it should. But that doesn't mean I want an EU Foreign Policy
"European integration is a good thing". Well, yes it is. But only in terms of a common market. I don't want the euro or the Lisbon Treaty.
Slightly to the right and slightly more sceptic than the Conservatives, but nearer them than anyone else. That's OK then.
Is there a question in there about voting UKIP and letting in Labour?
I agree, Iain. I think that the chart puts the Conservatives far more pro integration and far more centrist than they are in reality.
I came out as a borderline UKIP/BNP voter.
Two months ago another quiz had me as a social libertarian which seems about right to me judging by who I read.
Your worried. My nearest match was the Slovenian Nationalist Party. Are they standing in Derbyshire?
Its OK for you in the Soputh East- as you said, you've got Dan Hannan. I've got Robert Atkins at the top of our list.
Unless the Party dith him, I'll reluctanlty vote UKIP
Me too.
We always knew you felt this way Iain.
Be brave and come out of the closet and show us some of that UKIP lurv.....
We all remember the first time but you'll feel better for it - really!
Im voting UKIP !
My nearest match is some incomprehensible Greek party which I suspect to be of the BNP persuasion.
The whole business is very depressing.
Heil Spode!
Mine was for UKIP just above Iain Dales. I will be voting conservative.
mine came out BNP/UKIP....................oh decisions decisions eh..
I think this is the first time ever I've been able to answer every single question in a poll with a "very strongly" either in favour or against.
None of this "don't know" or "mildly agree" crap.
And it turns out I should vote for List Dedecker (Flemish Belgium). Sounds good to me.
Hannan-one very good apple in so many money grabbing bad ones.
BNP for me, I would never vote for them so I guess my initial Tory voting intention stays true
I love the old "If you vote UKIP you let labour back in".
When will people wake up and see that the Labour,the Lib Dems and the Tories are all the same party no difference between them.
Plus "Call me Dave" has only pulled your Tory group out of the EPP so that you blind sheep will vote for him.
UKIP all the time for me!.
Halfway between UKIP and the Tories. However I will be voting conservative in this and the general election.
Iain - you are very lucky to be able to vote for Dan. Wish I could!!
My wife got the BNP as her recommended choice.
She's of Indian (sub-continent not red) descent.
"But like you computer said UKIP but I'm voting Conservative since Cameron fulfilled his pledge on the EPP."
Errr Wrong!
The Tories are still in the EPP!
EPP Website says:
Europarl website says:
Conservatives in Europe website says:
"Conservative MEPs sit as allied members of the EPP-ED parliamentary group"
Florian Mueller, a German software developer and campaigner against software patents, told ZDNet UK that the cross-party consensus will send a strong message to the EU Council -- particularly as Germany holds more seats in the European Parliament than any other country.
Link to http://news.zdnet.co.uk/itmanagement/0,1000000308,39170869,00.htm for entire article.
Note the section highlighted. How can the UK have a democratic say in the EU when it can be outvoted on any and all issues which do not suit other member states. IT CANNOT.
The tories are pro-EU, as are NL and Lib Dem. The minor parties threatening major party seats for UK in EU are UKIP and BNP with latter of concern. UKIP is the logical choice to ensure UK interests.
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