Thursday, February 22, 2007

Eating on the Job

Another gem from the Blog of Nadine Dorries MP...

David Burrowes, the lovely and always happy MP for Enfield Southgate and
his wife are expecting baby number 6!!! David and I sometimes chat in the lobby
during voting and he is always entertaining – never so entertaining as he was
last night though! I was riveted to the green bench whilst he regaled me with
the latest antics of Dougal Burrowes, his little boy, (no 3 in descending

Dougal has a pet lizard, it’s called James ‘bonkers’ Burrowes. In James’ cage, to keep him company, was a rather frisky, in the true adult sense of the word, fully grown, rather large, gender challenged, sexually frustrated cricket.

The cricket made many advances to the lizard, but all to no avail, and eventualy, the cricket decided to just go for it, and he did, went for it, literally. Having navigated his way onto the lizard, (gosh I don’t know how to put this delicately but I am sure you get the picture), and just as he reached the point of no return, the lizard turned
around opened his mouth and ate him in one – whilst Dougal and David watched as
spectators and looked at each other in some surprise. Surprise because although
a predator, this had up until now, been one very lazy and laid back lizard.

Who said the female of the species was more deadly than the male? What lesson did Dougal learn from this tableau? Better than any he will get in a PSE lesson in school I reckon!

Just not cricket eh?


Anonymous said...
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BJ said...

I'm suprised you're still speaking to Nadine Bargery/Dorries after this post from earlier this month

What a porker! TV really does put on twelve pounds. Those thighs! They looked the width of an average cruise liner – stockings, fashioned by Cammell Laird!!

And that was just Iain Dale

Janejill said...

"to keep him company"- that's what the hounds say to the fox, surely??

dearieme said...

Kippers. The quotation is from Kipling. Anon said that "The e-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail".

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the little ones learning from nature!

the navy lark

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the little ones learning from nature!

the navy lark

Nich Starling said...

Perhaps she is unaware that they are PSHE lessons and not PSE lessons, and they ahve been for some years.

Anonymous said...

Good heavens. This raises gay-bashing to a new and disturbing level, doesn't it?

Peter Mc said...

Good grief. Herpeto-orthopteran-thanato-porn on the Tory benches. Truly David Cameron has changed the old party.

Anonymous said...
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