Tonight at 9pm I'll be talking to Tory MP Julie Kirkbride for an hour on 18 Doughty Street. If you have any questions you'd like me to ask her, please leave them in the comments...
Vox Politix at 10pm will be with Daily Mail columnist John Torode, former Tory candidate Ashley Crossley and teacher Tom Richmond.
What is she doing after work?
Mmmm...foxy lady...and very bright too so I understand, I may even tune in myself..
Didn't she used to be in Coronation Street ??
Pearl necklace or diamond?
She's one of Boulters babes
see her here http://theospark.blogspot.com/2007/02/boulters-babes.html#links
whatever made you marry that perma-orange husband of yours, His money?
As a young mother what do you think of Sure Start?
What attracted you to get married and why do you think very few couples get married these days?
Have you ever taken illegal drugs? and what do you think of David Cameron's line during the recent re-hashing of his life before politics?
Putting party politics to one side, if you could do six things to make the world a better place, what would they be?
Question by Tom
(1) Should the country go to an immediate General Election campaign when Tony Blair stands down as Prime Minister?
(2) If the country does go to an immediate General Election, is the Conservative Party in a position to produce a meaningful manifesto given the lack of concrete policies put on the table so far by the Cameron regime?
How does she see Cameron and Osborne dealing with the pensions issues once they get into power? Can they genuinely stop the rot, or is it damage limitation now?
Who are you?
Why the hell did you marry that. . . . .?
Why did she marry the perma-orange Mackay? Perhaps given her past record with men, she was just glad to find one who smears himself with orange, rather than using it as part of a bizarre - and ultimately fatal - auto-erotic sex act.
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