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Sunday, January 28, 2007
Shilpa Proves Light Can Triumph Over Darkness

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Do you Fancy her then Iain.
It's probably the right outcome, but it's not exactly an epic triumph of light over darkness is it? It's one decent, nice woman, triumphing over a group of other women, who were very insensitive and very stupid, but not actually evil. It isn't really the subject matter of a great fantasty epic, although perhaps you might like to take a crack at Big Brother: The Novel, when you get some free time.
"she's one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on"
Come into the light Mr Dale , its better over here.
Ask Tom "glad to be gay" Robinson , now a happily married man and father.
I think the title of this post is somewhat unfortunate.
You know, someone once tried to convince me that the "Dark Side" was evidence of Western racism.
Surely C4 fixed the result anyway?
I think she has hit the Big time with the help of a load of racists
At the risk of turning this into a Guido-esque totty discussion, she was the best of a bad bunch. Far too much make-up though to be genuinely attractive.
Given the choice, I'd rather have a night with the Aston Martin that featured on Top Gear.
Iain I agree with you, Shilpa is a real Princess.
Why is there a fascination with putting idiots like Jade Goody up on a pedestal in this country?
Hopefully this is a turning point and the level of acceptable behaviour will rise again.
The phrase Storm in a Teacup was invented for this series......
Sadly the three chavscum bullies: Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd, and Jo O'Meara are all too typical of the aggressive, loud-mouthed pond slime proliferating the length and breadth of Britain these days.
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and the slithy toves turned Goody into a "racist" because they were digging like mad to bury the news about Ruth Turner. Goody was just engaged in a catfight such as those that have been fought between women since time immemorial. As I've noted elsewhere, had Shilpa been a white Ozzie, they have mocked her accent just the same and called her an Ocka. If she had been a beautiful Chinese, they have mocked her Chinese accent and called her a Chink. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with trying to diminish the enemy in the eyes of others. Especially if she is prettier than you are.
The Labour government tried to build "racism" into this, trespassing in to territory which was not theirs, to forward their own agenda. But it was just the hissing and spitting of cats.
For Goody, being confronted with an adversary as beautiful, intelligent and gracious as Shilpa must have been infuriating. I speak as a woman and I know cattiness when I see it. We all do.
I am glad Shilpa won. Her grace and charm was fab. Good on her.
But this has not been a storm in a tea cup. In fact it for the last few years Big Brother has not been a good C4 programme. It continues to show what happens when you let some of the small minded people let loose on a live TV show for best part of 4 weeks. C4 and its sister channels are much better without it.
It is off the air, but I wonder what the medium term effect will be. Will the nutters thing twice before opening their mouths? Probably not.
She's not actually that attractive - there are many women I would climb over her to get to instead.
But of course we aren't allowed to think that, are we?
After the blatantly contrived 'controversy' we have a blatantly fixed 'result' intended to save their profitable franchise by making us all feel good about ourselves. Aren't we all sanctimonious and wonderful now because the talentless actress has won instead of the horrible nasty other ones?
Good grief, are we all that shallow and easily manipulated? Yawn.
She's alright- I've seen better. I think it might be because she's looking a bit old, but then I'm still in my early twenties and can afford the arrogance to say that :)
The thing about this vote is that something that should have been won on merit has been won on the basis of sympathy and victimhood.
Sure, feel bad for her and all that, but I think letting her win is something else.
I couldn't give a flying turd either way, but I hate it when pity throws rationality out of the window.
I didn't watch it myself- I've been too busy licking my carpets clean for the past few weeks- but I'm told she wasn't that nice herself and that there were far nicer people in there.
Same time next year, everyone?
I reckon there'll be a murder or something. An amputation at the very least.
Shilpa is staying with me in Bridport tonight and asks not to be bothered anymore and reminds you Mr Dale of the terms of the restraining order...
It's a victory for Chav TV and the inexorable dumbing down of Britain.
Sad but true: British adults are the most infantilised in the world.
I knew there had to be a good reason why Blair should mention her in that document!
And, of course, nobody could have predicted the result with all that blatant manipulation, oh no. By the way, why is it particularly graceful to chatter on about people being born in the gutter or by the roadside? Must have been that prettily twisted handkerchief artfully dabbing the heavily made-up eyes.
A little more seriously though, what this exchange and a great deal of the story proves, apart from Verity's astute comment about yet another news-burying effort, is that you can say anything you like as long as your nasty insults are based on class.
PHITCH- Glad to be gay Tom Robinson was also responsible for "2,4,6,8 it never to late" Hmmm Ian ?
I suppose my Doughty Street invitation is probably lost in the post
BTW Verity in Oz they have just removed an advert referring to Poms on the grounds of racism. It was for Tooheys Super cold and , disgracefuly, protrayed us, whingeing to the tune of land of Hope and Glory.
With one immigrant arriving a minute we will have plenty of chances to show the world our legendary tolernace but the Goody factor does make me wonder how much use these English tetst are going to be in Bermondsey
Dear Iain
And now you know why I am a lesbian!
I hope she and her £367.000 will be very happy together.........can we now revoke Channel 4's licence for failing to live up to Jeremy Isaacs' vision ?
At least we presume the British public has spoken. They may havve phones in India!
At least we assume the British public has spoken. Do they not have phones in India?
Is it buggery! You only have that response because she's pretty and you want to shag her. If she looked like Jade Goody and Jade like Shilpa you would have all found a way to soften the event, found some 'understanding'. (I understand that good looking offenders generally get lighter sentences)
I've lost count of the times I've heard men argue their way through reality in favour of their loins. Why do you care about the outcome of this revolting programme? You're thinking with your dick.
You're thinking with your dick.
If that is directed at Iain P its abit harsh
Dear me, this is one of the funniest things I've seen written about this whole affair...it's not like Shilpa did this show for anything other than self interest is it?
This doesn't prove light can over come darkness (whatever that 6th form esq poetry meant...), it just shows that pride will cover up ignorance.
There are plenty of people in this country just as vile as the three hags (some of them in power), let's not let Shilpa's 'win' make us forget that.
Would all this fuss have been made if Jade had fallen out with a less good-looking room mate of German decent?
philipa - in banking they use the term 'groin lending' to refer to this kind of weakness from male managers..
I notice that Max Clifford has pounced even before she left the house, and penned an article in yesterday's Indy which was a less-than-subtle attempt to mend some fences with the News of the Screws, now that Andy Coulson has been 'resigned'...No doubt full details of her UK tour will follow in this Sunday's NOTW - perhaps Max could scoop up Tony Blair to combine his farewell tour into the bargain?
'Groin lending' - ha! Hilarious, thanks for that anon.
Newmania - it's a bit harsh? Having a stand full of mags savaging you is a bit harsh. Piers Morgan's approach was measured and intelligent, what else can one say?
Except don't watch Big Brother.
"Good grief, are we all that shallow and easily manipulated?"
Apparently, for the most part, yes. O tempora, o mores.
Helen said...
.....you can say anything you like as long as your nasty insults are based on class.
So, what "class" do you think Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara belong to?
Please don't say working class because they're nothing of the sort.
These three mingers are chavscum, loudmouthed, bullying, up-themselves, pond life.
They're arseholes and that's why they came in for so much criticism. It's got nothing to do with your fantasies that they're being "victimised" because they're working class.
I doubt you live anywhere near shitehawks like these, well I do and I wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire.
Hmm...I think the danger here is that Shilpa Shetty is going to end up in the 'lions den' which is the western media. Whilst she is over 30, I fear that she, being a lady, and having had her mother shelter her, is rather naive. Certainly the media in India have put her on a respectful pedestal.
That is no preparation for the media muck-raking that will happen when a paper gets an exclusive interview with her, and the others try to run 'spoilers' linking her romantically with all sorts of unsavoury people.
At the very least she should resist the siren voices calling her to the US of A / Hollywood, where she'd sink without trace. Although maybe she can 'talent scout' some cricket players for us to replace the ones we've got, and ship the current ones onto 'Strictly Come Dancing' where they may be more successful than they are at stump, crease & pitch..
If she looked like Jade Goody
You are only being obnoxious because she's of mixed-race......all these racists cluttering up Iain's PC blog....he'll be excluded from the Cameron House
Yes, Iain will never make the A list letting all these white English racists, homophobes, and closet BNP'ers dominate his blog.
What we need here is more diversity and a celebration of multi-culturalism.
Tory likes posh bird and despises working class. Who would have thought?
'A celebration of multi-culturalism' - like Israel?
Just think in India Jade Goody would be an 'untouchable' and we could heap indignties upon her to our hearts' content. What a delightful country we live in. Ms. Goody was failed by a Tory education system. That fact alone should make you feel a little less smug.
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