This is Jack Dromey (nee Harman). He's the man who started off the Cash for Peerages saga when he blew a gasket after discovering that Lord Levy had been arranging secret loans to the Labour Party behind his back. Dromey is, after all, only Treasurer of the Labour Party. However, he's remained silent since then. Whatever other charges are laid at the end of this, isn't Levy (and whoever else who knew about the loans) guilty of hiding these loans from the officially appointed Treasurer of the Labour Party? This may be raking over old ground, and may not be considered to be as serious as procuring loans for honours, but it shouldn't be forgotten.
Matt Carter was the registered treasurer.
This was dealt with 9 months ago!
And you might infer that taking out shady loans behind the Treasurer's back makes those loans ultra vires, and so the personal liability of those who arranged them?
But Jack Dromey is leader of the now defunct 'Labour' Party which they ditched when 'NewLabour' was born.
To Teflon and Levy he is like the uncool uncle who turns up to the teenager's birthday party - they can't understand why he doesn't take the hint that his presence ain't required.
Jack was no actor when he went on TVsaying he knew nothing about these loans. He came over as an honest accountant who had been duped by crooks. That isn't to say he was innocent, as he should have put the procedures in place to stop this from happening.
Why the change to 'Dromey'?Couldn't he spell Dromedary?Or like all Labour types he wasn't sure if he had the 'ump or the 'orn?
This has hardly been "dealt with", the really interesting detail about where the money went, who operated the accounts, and the extent Brown was involved/knew about this has yet to surface. And since Brown was in charge of the election campaign how could he have operated unless he knew about the availability of these funds, and the fact they were not featured in the Labour Party Accounts.
Yes, a sincere honest seeming man among rogues.
How many more weeks of this will Dromey, the NEC, the paymasters (Unions), the Cabinet and the next PM (Brown) put up with? They know that with Blair they face massive losses in May, so the pressure is building up for change.
Last year the Lib Dems reflected over Xmas and then went for Charlie in January.
The summer recess was followed by the "Watson" attempted coup, are we going to see the Labour party finally remove Blair in early Jan?
Last week we read,
" Guido will be exposing evidence of how the Brownite Smith Institute's "Cash for Access" machine became a "Payments for Policy" racket - with Gordon Brown delivering the policy.
... the institute's director, Wilf Stevenson, told at a Smith Institute meeting "what you are going to say will have a great impact on the government's thinking" - two months before Gordon announced the policy change wanted. "
So which would we prefer? Blair, who at least won the last election, (regardless of our personal views on his policies and methods) , or Brown, who wants to take over Blair's majority without demonstrating a shred of support among the electorate as a whole ?
Or should we all get a chance to vote on the last ten years and choose our government afresh.
Are the rats leaving the sinking ship?
Anyone know anything about the rumour that the Brown camp is going to suffer a high level defection after Xmas?
Could it be?...no, surely not!
Et tu Brute!
Anon 12.00
How awful to lose one's Balls...
Just slightly off-topic:
Apparently the man arrested in Suffolk on suspicion of the five murders had already been interviewed by police up to four times before today, but not under caution.
Similarly, the Yorkshire Ripper was 'informally' questioned by police several times before being arrested, charged and found guilty.
I don't mean to imply Blair is equivalent to the Yorkshire Ripper, and I'm not a lawyer, but:
Why should Blair now be supposed to be exempt from future interview under caution, arrest, or being charged by Yates of the Yard?
2br02b said...
Why should Blair now be supposed to be exempt from future interview under caution, arrest, or being charged by Yates of the Yard?
Blair is certainly not "exempt" that's just the spin Blairites and the BBC are trying to put on it.
It's still all to play for, let's see what Lord "I'm not taking the rap" Levy has to say in his forthcoming interview.
The fact that Dromey remained in post means he was right that he as Treasurer did not have access to all bank accounts!!! Unbelievable in itself.
Shortly after the incident Jack paid the penalty being required to call for an illegal immigrant amnesty. He's back in the tent, but I know if I was a detective I'd have some interesting questions to ask him.
"The fact that Dromey remained in post means he was right that he as Treasurer did not have access to all bank accounts!!! "
No-one challenged him last September when the position was up for re-election again. He was returned unchallenged.
Yes, but if he had spoken up as a matter of incompetence, he would have been booted. The fact is that the allegations he made were true and that is utterly damning.
as "anonymous" says the Labour Party "Treasurer" (Mr Dromey) is not legally the Party's Treasurer - that is the General Secretary.
The post of "Treasurer" has almost nothing to do with Labour's finances - it is a constitutional anachronism set up in the 1920s to guarantee the trade unions an extra seat on Labour's NEC.
Excellent point Iain. Given the Labour Party's financial size, and need for funds, its incredulous that the Treasurer did not know of the loans.
Whether its Carter or Dromey is beside that point. However, far better for it to be Carter who played a pivotal role in organising Labour as an effective force to win the 2005 Election (whilst the rest of us were put offguard by usual Blair/ Brown handbags)
Poor Jack Dromey, his wife is trying to ban payment for sexual favours; and Ann Widdecombe is trying to save a cow called.........
Why did you have to leave Bristol University under a cloud Luke? Do remind us...
You also featured on a Panorama programme too didn't you?
Is Blair still on his Judy Garland farewell tour? Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Queen sacked him while he was out of the country and, no longer being entitled to any of the trappings of office, he had to fly back commercial? Only to find a policeman guarding the door of Downing St and being told that their personal possessions had been put in storage? You must admit, it's a lovely thought.
I agree that the problem is that Dromey is not the Treasurer listed on the rpt and accounts. The accts to end of 2004 for example list the Treasurer as Matt Carter.
So where does that leave Dromey? A bit of a cuckhold walking around calling himself the Treasurer whilst he really is nothing of the sort.
Pressure needs to be brought on him to explain what has he been doing to justify his position?
Suerley the most damming thing for NuLab is the fact thet even it's own party members are afraid to speak out.
I know that Mrs T did not tolerate people speaking out of turn, but at least some members of her leadership had the balls to do so anyway.
You have to admire Our Jack's stage skils though. He's got that "Who me Guv?" expression down perfectly in your photo.
Nee Harman - classic
The reason that Dromey has gone quiet is because he shouted his mouth off without realising that Gordon Brown is also in the frame for taking a loan for a nomination.
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