6.40 Celebrity Family Fortunes
7.30 Downfall of a Celebrity: Gareth Gates
8.30 Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire
9.30 Celebrity Stars in Their Eyes
10.30 Michael Parkinson talking to, er, celebrities
Whoever ITV's scheduler is, they should be fired. Is it any surprise they are in trouble if this is the best they can come up with on the night before Christmas Eve?
I've just turned on to see The Gospel of Judas and it's a repeat!!
Still, there's a Robert Duvall film at 2100 and repeat, or not, I like Robert Duvall films.
Happy Christmas and God blees.
Oops, I also like Robert Duval :0)
And they wonder why their ad revenue is falling! Michael Grade where are you?
Just because they didn't invite you to be on it, there's no need to be jealous Mr Dale!!
I say fire the audience.
To be fair, I think they are firing just about everyone at ITV at the moment!
Terrestial TV, so in the past, it is like visiting a musty old museum. Ho,ho,ho!
Alas, they ignore the celebrity who split history in two; who divided BC from AD; the One who bequeathed to us the foundations of our society.
'Celebrity' is the cult of cults - fickle, ephemeral, and superficial. It epitomises this age and ewverything that is wrong with it.
His Grace wishes you sincere Christmas blessings, Mr Dale, and his very best wishes for the New Year.
cramer wroted
"Celebrity' is the cult of cults - fickle, ephemeral, and superficial. It epitomises this age and ewverything that is wrong with it."
Can you hear him Dave?
On another topic entirely, Iain is now on Facebook; should we, his adoring public, all be-"friend" him? ;-)
Merry Christmas, etc. etc.
Ad revenue will never return to it's heights. The internet and the proliferation of digital stations has seen to that.
ewverything that is wrong with it.
Lighten up Cramner I bet you`ve been glued to "Strictly ". I can hear you now ..." the sublime elequence of movement and form epitomises everything joyful in life ". You are after all something of a celebrity yourself
The gospel according to Judas was the only thing on TV worth watching last night. I had not seen it before.
ITV is dross, but I'm sure Iain watched the bore draw against my team Fulham.
Am I supposed to feel inadequate because I don't know and have never heard of most of the so-called celebrities listed to appear on these awful programmes? I don't, but am I supposed to?
Never mind celeb porn what about this leak by Brown's boys in an attempt to besmirch Blair's legacy on crime...
As almost anyone that has appeared on television is a 'celebrity' and can trade on this fame to earn money; perhaps there ought to be a bidding process for a place on reality shows, news reading or presenting the weather report. How difficult can it be to be oneself or to read an autocue....
Most celebrities have no discernible talent and are famous just for being famous.
By the way there used to be a celebrity called Lionel Blair who did not seem to do much except be on TV, I have not seen him since Tony of that ilk came to our screens......very strange.
As almost anyone that has appeared on television is a 'celebrity' and can trade on this fame to earn money; perhaps there ought to be a bidding process for a place on reality shows, news reading or presenting the weather report. How difficult can it be to be oneself or to read an autocue....
Most celebrities have no discernible talent and are famous just for being famous.
By the way there used to be a celebrity called Lionel Blair who did not seem to do much except be a smarmy git and be on TV, I have not seen him since Tony of that ilk came to our screens......very strange, I have never seen them together.
the beeb can't do any better, its disappointing there is absolutely nothing to watch on tv. merry christmas everyone!
And our next big celebrity couple will be ... Tony and Cherie. I was hoping the curse of Hello would befall them - but you can't take photos from prison.
I haven't watched ITV for years.
Well observed Iain. people like to maon about the BBC, but at least they take Christmas seriously. Do you remember the old ITV jingle "Christmas means I.T.V.", it's a joke these days.
I've blogged today in a similar vein and will link to your story.
Casual observer: England is now two nations. Those eager for every titbit of information about celebrities and those who have never heard of them and don't give a toss.
You and I are proud members of the second nation.
Off topic - but interesting article in the Gordian:
Blair's aides call in their own lawyers
Downing Street aides embroiled in the 'cash for honours' inquiry have hired their own lawyers in a sign that the police investigation is dividing Tony Blair's inner circle.
PS Happy Xmas Iain
Talking about celebs, is there anything in today's claim by Portillo that Cameron has Mandelson on board? With everything Mandelson knows this could be curtains for Brown and New Labour:
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