I've added quite a few new links to my blogroll lately. If you have a link to me on your blog and you don't see your blog on my blog links please email me and I'll add you.

To add this graphic simply paste this HTML into your blog template.
Check out these...
Cally's Kitchen,
Dave's Part,
The Spine,
Adrian Yalland,
Beware of the Dogma,
Moonlight over Essex,
Greenwich Watch,
Tonbridge Blog,
Injured Cyclist,
Seeing your advert there Iain made me think. You and Guido call people like Nick Robinson et al "opinion formers" when you want to punt ad space.
But if they take issue with blogs like yours, then they are irrelevant big media bores who 'don't get it'
Just an observation, I'm on the side of the bloggers!
Fred, that made me smile! If it were true, you'd have a point. I have never called people like Nick R irrelevant or big media bores. In fact quite the opposite. All I take exception to is when the mainstream media try to pretend blogs are an irrelevance and that we don;t have any standards. Nick strayed down that road a little but got his comeuppance without any help from me!
OK fair point I suppose!
I was probably thinking more of Guido than you with regards dislike of MSM punditry and the lobby. I should have scanned both blogs to backup my claim with relevant quotes and such like but it's Friday night and quite frankly I can't be arsed!
Thanks for your reply though, that's what makes these blogs great - I can put forward (an admittedly crap) point and the author gets back to you.
In defence of Nick...
(I'm not suggested you've particularly laid into him - although Guido certainly has for as long I've read his posts, perhaps the drip, drip effect made Nick say what he did).
... anyway - Nick was doing 'Newslog' as early as 2001 long before he left for ITN - and although it wasn't using Movable Type or Typepad etc. I believe it *was* a proper blog for its time because he accepted and replied to comments.
Had it not been for him, I predict the BBC would have been far slower to embrace the genre and we wouldn't have seen their blogs at anywhere near the quantity or stage of development they are now (there must be something in the region of 100 BBC staff actively blogging).
What I think *would* be quite interesting is if the BBC - as they do with podcasts - were to publish the subscription and page impression/unique user figures for all their weblogs. I'm wondering if perhaps they were obliged to because the podcasts are technically part of a trial - but they judge blogs don't count as they are a selection of informal comments rather than content akin to a TV or radio programme.
I agree with with William, but from a slightly different angle.
Post Hutton, The Govt has had the BBC where it wants it... by the testes.
IMHO the BBC are terrified of reporting anything anti GOVT unless its been quadrupled checked and then passed up the line for approval.
Hence the BBC are slow and often don't report things that others do.
I think Nick Robinson is a very good journalist reporting in a difficult environment.
A lot of people, more especially on Guido's site, are extremely irreverent towards Nick Robinson, and it's unfair, unpleasant and unnecessary.
The one thing that surprises me is that he switched to the BBC, which is paplably left of centre.
Iain Dale's post about the new Internet TV station may go some way to correcting this bias.
Thanks for adding my blog Iain! That's very kind of you :D
(By the way, have you changed your RSS feed somehow? I no longer seem to be able to go to specific pages, just your main blog. Very odd...)
Iain - have had a link to yours for some time, where's my reciprocal link?!
Inamicus - www.labour-watch.blogspot.com
PS Is there anything you can do about your left border - it regularly overlaps the text on my display and makes stories difficult to read...
Inamicus - will add it this evening - you should have told me before!
Would you add me,if you still have any space left? Am off on hols, will put you on when I get back in couple of weeks. Hope thats ok.
Keep hearing about your blog, v interesting, will read more when I come back!
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