Ever wondered what your name would be if you were a Brazilian footballer? THIS site will tell you. I now wish to be known as Iaando in future...
Just for a bit of fun, I put a few politicians name in...
David Davis becomes DA VILDO (conjures up an unfortunate image dontcha think?!)
Alan Duncan is ALILDO (even more unfortunate)
David Cameron is CAMEREZO
Ming Campbell is CAMPBETO
John Prescott is CHIPOLATO*
Thanks to Kerron Cross for alerting me to this site. And thanks to Theo Spark for the graphic!
* I might have made that one up...
I got one that didn't end in -o - websteca.
I got Remittancisco, but then I tried a couple of Brazilian players to see what would happen.
Pele became Peleto
Ronaldo got feminised to Ronalda
and Ronaldhino became Ronaldhinimo-Peres
It may be made up, but the good ones 'stick'
Cristiano Ronaldo isn't "Cheatin-Divin-Winkin-Gittio". Unfortunately. :-/
Holmes inspected Prescott's corpse, from the chip on his shoulder to his chipolata....
Yes, it reads well.
and Peter Mandeslon is Petalbo Pebes. That'll go down well in Hartlepool
Gordon Brown = Retardo
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