"Lord Carrington told me when he was Defence Secretary –
it must have been the early ‘70s –
Ted Heath’s Cabinet, every single member had served in the Armed Forces
except for the Education Secretary, Margaret Thatcher
and it was said of her, she’d have made a very effective machine gunner."
it must have been the early ‘70s –
Ted Heath’s Cabinet, every single member had served in the Armed Forces
except for the Education Secretary, Margaret Thatcher
and it was said of her, she’d have made a very effective machine gunner."
Martin Bell on BBC Straight Talk
Oh, I think a shotgun would have been a better choice. Mrs T could normally give opponents both barrels when required…
.... and people are surprised that Gordo's governemnt hasn't a clue how to support the armed services !
And every one of them would have had nothing to do with last night's lynching.
The early 70's? That's be 25 years after the Second War ended and 10 years after National Service ended then...
The armed forces are a relatively small employers in the UK nowadays. Not saying its a good thing that Labour's haven't got any ex-servicemen in the MoD, but it is at least understandable.
I suspect Lord Carrington was correct too!
Machine gunners skulked behind sand bags. Mrs. Thatcher would have been in her element leading a bayonet charge, with Willie Whitelaw, former Scots Guards at her right hand, and John Nott of the Gurkha's at her left.
And in the rear gunner's sights? The terrorist (sic) Nelson Mandela and the democrats pursuing the reunification of Germany. Mad, ignorant witch!
How many of the Shadow Cabinet have served in the armed forces?
Everyone in Ted Heaths era would either have served in the war or been a National serviceman.
Mrs Thatcher must have seemed like like an honorary mascot especially as it was a very real male world.
Can Mrs T shoot (clays?)
Thatcher was a ridiculous and dangerous clown, whose domineering and hectoring style said everything about her inability to compromise with real people in the real world.
She appealed only to a fascist mentality in the lower middle class from which she came and the undereducated and slightly entrepreneurial emergent small business class who despised their working class origins.
A disgusting creature
As Lord Howe suggested in a cricketing metaphor Mrs Thatcher might have inflicted unacceptable friendly fire in any combative role.
In view of his own deflation going into the recession of the early 80s, and Chairmanship of the Committee advising George "Mr Potato Head" Osborne he should know.
"she’d have made a very effective machine gunner"
For which side?
@ Paddy Briggs
"rear gunner's". Who mentioned 'rear' gunner?
Mandela is no saint.
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