Monday, October 05, 2009

Best Wishes to Betsy Duncan Smith

A couple of weeks ago I learned that Iain Duncan Smith's wife Betsy is undergoing chemotherapy to treat cancer. As Michael Crick has now blogged about it and explained that IDS isn't therefore able to come to conference this year, I wanted to express my good wishes to her for a speedy recovery and allow my blogreaders to do the same in the comments.


Unsworth said...

A great shame. I hope she recovers fully - and very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Iain Duncan Smith's absence from the conference is a very great shame, but he's where he should be and I warmly wish him and his wife a successful outcome.

Anonymous said...

All good wishes to Betsy and IDS.

All good wishes to those everywhere who must undergo chemotherapy. Stay strong.

sceptical said...

Well said, Iain. Best wishes to BDS for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Michael Crick? This was the guy wasn't it who shit-stirred the pot over allegations concerning payments to his wife for secretrial work?

Jack said...

I hope she makes a full recovery - lots of people do these days.

Bath plugs for the many, not the few said...

Indeed: very best wishes to Mrs Duncan Smith at this time, and to her good husband.

Anonymous said...

Our hopes, thoughts and prayers are with the Duncan Smith family, especially Betsy, a beautiful woman inside and out.

RealHumptyB on Twitter

TheBoilingFrog said...

Sorry to hear the news regarding Betsy Duncan Smith.

I wish her all the luck in the world and hope she makes a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, very well said.

Anonymous said...

Indeed - best wishes to Mrs Duncan Smith

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, Betsy - this is no time for politicking, whatever one's views.

God speed your recovery

Anonymous said...

hear hear

Richard Gadsden said...

All my best wishes to Betsy, and I hope that it won't be Betsy to Heaven too soon.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to Betsy for a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

May I add my very best wishes for Betsy and Ian Duncan Smith.

The King of Wrong said...

Get well soon, Betsy!

Nich Starling said...

Indeed I think everyone would wish her well.

Analogue Junkie said...

All The Best Betsy.
Our Best Wishes are with you.....

apricotfox said...

All the very best to her.

Stronghold Barricades said...

Does this mean we will mean out on more of the IDS "social policy" to conference?

Pete said...

Yes, indeed - hope she recovers soon.

On reading Cricks blog, one of the commenters refered to him 'turning her over' in the press some years ago - what was that about?

IMO she's a really nice unoffensive lady...

G Laird said...

Dear Mrs. Duncan Smith

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I hope all goes well.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

Anonymous said...

She's welcome to my best wishes for a recovery, as I wish for all suffering from cancers and the chemo that often goes with it

James Dowden said...

I don't think there's anything really to be added to what you said. But my thoughts are with the Duncan Smiths.

Plato said...

My very best wishes for a speedy recovery for Betsy and Ian has made exactly the right call.

strapworld said...

A most gracious lady married to an underrated

I wish her a full recovery.

But isn't it rather sick of that awful man Crick to release this?

I would also like to endorse Canvas's nice sentiment to anyone undergoing chemotherapy!

Unknown said...

Best wishes to Mrs Duncan Smith.

True Belle said...

Cancer is so shocking. My best wishes to Mrs Duncan Smith, and everyone who is undergoing chemo just now.

We must all make sure that families recieve our love and support during difficult times like these.

Stay positive and just believe!

Anonymous said...

Of course best wishes to Betsy. Politics is irrelevant at such times. Best wishes also to Iain.

Johnny Norfolk said...

My thoughs and prayers are with them.

John Chaytor said...

Although I don't know Betsy, I can only assume that she's a good'un as she saw the qualities of IDS.

He was ridiculed as Tory leader yet he has proved with his recent work that he is a force for good for the poor in this country.

I just hope that she recovers from this horror and he has many years of support from her.

Good luck to the pair of them.

Tony Martin said...

Sincere best wishes to Betsy Duncan-Smith for a full and speedy recovery. My prayers are also with Iain and the rest of his family. The sooner we defeat this cruel disease the better.

Ed said...

All my hope to Betsy for a swift and full recovery.

Frugal Dougal said...

All the best to Mrs and Mr Duncan Smith, God bless them both at this time.

Anonymous said...

Very sad.

Perhaps she should read G Edward Griffin's book(s) on cancer and save herself the trauma.

I'd NEVER have chemotherapy!

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about this. I wish both of them the very best. In their long-lived and obviously loving marriage they are an example to us all. My prayers will be with both of them.

Twig said...

Best wishes and God bless Iain and Betsy. I hope and pray for her full recovery.

FWIW I heard that avoiding milk and milk products may aid recovery - something to do with growth hormones. May be worth considering.

Jon Lishman said...

I'd like to express my hope that Mrs Duncan Smith makes a full recovery and send my best wishes to them both.

Kind regards,

FireForce said...

Having met I.D.S. a good few times, and like him a lot. I do wish the Duncan Smith family all the very very best.
And those of you with a drink in your hand raise it to my cousin Hamish, Who lost his battle this morning to another disease.
Having also lost his house / farm to a government minister (Bright Mutonga) in Zimbabwe

Elliot Kane said...

Hope she makes a full recovery.

Tom said...

That must be awful for them. The Duncan Smiths deserve better than that. I hope she recovers fully and swiftly.

Anonymous said...

I was very sorry to hear of Betty's illness. The great spirit possessed by Betty and her husband have not gone unnoticed across the Irish Sea, and will more than equip her for the battle ahead. She will be in my prayers.
(An Irish No Voter !)

Tapestry said...

People underestimate the importance of IDS' leadership. He defeated Portillo by a single vote in the HoC leadership vote in 2001.

Who would ever doubt that Portillo would have offered Blair a free ride to the Euro had he won the leadership after Hague?

IDS held Portillo out again in February 2003 when he attempted a fullscale media assault to oust him and grab the leadership, backed by Campbell, Blair and Mandelson.

IDS held on long enough to ensure Portillo and Ken Clarke were out of the frame, enabling a new generation of Conservatives to come in, while the euro brigade retired (bar Kenk Lark).

Michael Howard gave way to Cameron, and we have the offer of a referendum on Lisbon, or maybe more.

Without IDS, we would have been in too deep by now.

Betsy no doubt kept Iain going through the hellish media he endured. It was a critical moment in the history of the Party and of the country.

She's a fighter and will see this little trouble on its way.

She has a lovely smile. I remember her at Conference in Blackpool in 2003 beaming at those who came to see the DS' depart from the hotel. Unforgettable moment.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a recovery. As someone else mentioned, at least Iain has his priorities in the correct order.

Pachyderm said...

I only knew there was some good wishes to be wished because of Boy George's mention in his speech at the conference.

I was at school with Betsy F and wish her all the best

matt zx said...

Good luck and best hopes to them both.

Unknown said...

many many best wishes

Anonymous said...

IDS & Family : God bless.

Anonymous said...

I wish her all the very best.
I finishd my treatment two days ago. She will get over it with the help of her loving husband. He is a fine man.
My husband died the week before I was diagnosed.