Which politician do most respect?
Steve Norris - he once came to a Torch event with a girlfriend with an enormous cleavage. I took the opportunity to ask him why he supported us - he indicated this oceanic cleavage and said "I think everyone's got the right to as good a fuck as I get."
Which politician makes your blood boil?
Ann Widdecombe - I detest bossy Toryism, she makes me want to vomit.
Who would be your fantasy prime minister and what would be your fantasy policy?
Fantasy - myself. I would really roll back the frontiers of the state.
You're Gordon Brown - what would you spend the £17bn budget surplus on?
Taking all those below average income out of the income tax system, as they were until the 1945 Labour Government.
Where were you when Mrs Thatcher resigned?
In a first class compartment travelling back from Manchester, where I was giving a lecture.
Deviating from the article.. When you meet an extremely beautiful woman (read hot), one seldom cares about her political beliefs or position. And even a conservative wishes she holds liberal views (pun intended). Ironic, is it not?
Iain.. I understand you are a busy man.. but would much appreciate it if you could drop me a msg on what you think of my blog.. thank you..
I particularly enjoyed Starkey on This Week a couple of years ago when he said that Blair had destroyed the Labour party and as result of his actions it would, in the not too distant future, cease to exist.
He made a great case for Blair having destroyed the idealogical foundation of Labour and thus creating the conditions for it's inevitable collapse.
He sounded like a madman but I can't help but accept he had a very compelling point - maybe it's back to the Wiggs and the Tories for us.
Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality
Mayorwatch - Chris Patten's your "kind of Tory"? I didn't know he was a kind of Tory.
The only worthy thing this sleazebag has done in his life is, when he'd completed the ignominious pantomime of giving up Hong Kong to the Chinese, he went to France rather than Britain because he didn't want to put his two dogs, Whisky and Soda, through quarantine.
Otherwise, he's an Edward Heath.
You mean a traitor?
I had an option to go and listen to Starkey at something to do with Iz Conservatives or have abeer with Croydonian.
No contest. He is preening little twerp in my not very humble opinion
Same again ?
jeremycj - Yes.
Er, where's the full text?
Heath was a traitor and when Cameron reminds me of him I get so depressed. Its alright for you though Verity , Five years of Broon snuffling with his pig-snout in your pocket is worse.
Are Tories worried about homosexual equality then ? I would have guessed that gay men were somewhat over represented both in the media and in government.
I can quite imagine Starkey giving a lecture in a first class carriage from Manchester.
A lot of people dislike Starkey but I think he talks alot of sense.
If anyone enjoys satire at David Starkey's expense, [shameless plug alert] ask Santa to bring you a copy of Craig Brown's 'The Tony Blair' years.
Truly like drinking at the well of eternal youth for its 'laughter is the best medicine' quotient. Priceless.
Why does everyone get so 'hung up' if you will excuse the expression -on a person's sexuality?
Disregarding peodophiles whom one might hope would not manage to get into politics -why all this catagorizing?
No one ever asked me what I did or did not do sexually when I applied for a job and they would have got a short answer if they had!
All I ever ask is that I am not harangued as to endorsing this or that sexual behaviour.
I am fed up with gay and anti gay lobbies I would rather have just and unjust, corrupt and uncorrupt, debates.
Steve Norris -ugh!
David Starkey is utterly, utterly sound and an all round good egg IMHO.
With regard to the Steve Norris quote, didn't he once date Edwina Currie? (This was in their Liverpool schooldays) Nuff said.
With Starkey what you see is what you get. He tells it like he sees. If Blair had half his intellect,we would not be in the huge muddle that we are : Iraq, NHS collapse, schools failing, defence force stretched to limits, H of Lords confused, incompetence in every single Govt department. The state we are in and here we are all singing and happy. Need our heads read.
Griswold - the destruction of the schools and the examination system was deliberate. Tony Blair is mantled in evil.
Oi! Rama! Who's that Bollywood star that no one's ever heard of then? I see he gets 250,000,000 viewers for compering Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and he's a big movie star as well. Are you in India or Britain?
Setting aside whether he's talking sense or not, I do admire his style...
Anyway, he's always interesting and provoking, and for me that's so much better value.
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