2. Tory Politico thinks the New Stateman is ignoring reality.
3. Anna Raccoon on the consequences of Sarkozy's clenched buttocks.
4. A Lanson Boy thinks the Greens are all mouth and no trousers.
5. Lord Toby Harris wonders if the MoD has lost the plot.
6. Cranmer on the church that doesn't do God.
7. Tom Harris on being a new boy.
8. Labour MP Kerry McCarthy can't quite believe a former CND campaigner has joined he Tories. Me neither, frankly.
9. Norfolk Blogger on the denigration of youth and women in politics.
10. PoliticalBetting.com wonders what has happened to the famous LibDem byelection machine.
11. Quaequam on the trouble with Rennardism.
12. David Smith on why VAT must go up to 20%.
Dan points out the truth once again that the BBC, Guardian and others on the left refuse to admit, namely, the BNP is a left wing party, with racist leanings. They continue to refer to them as Far Right in the hope of tarnishing the Tories and UKIP with the same brush.
I have friends ad relatives from across the political spectrum, and have spent time in WMCs, Labour Clubs and Conservative clubs, and the most Homophobic and racist views have been found in the irst two enviroments
Embrace them and see them fall, if they are so wrong.
Surprised to see David Smith on the "Daily Dozen". Has it passed your notice that Smith and his coleague Kaletsky are long-term Brown groupies, who have been consistently wrong on the economy ?
Smith has been lobbying for low, low interest rates for the past five years. His musings on post election tax rises are trivial.
I suggest you read Liam Halligan's latest in the Telegraph, that should frighten you !
On the Marr show, Darling said that he has always maintained that the economy would start recovering in the New Year.
Er, No - you said in the budget speech that recovery would start in July (now).
Cameron's statement that tax credits for households earning £50K can't really be justified and that the Tories are open minded on road tolls, have morphed into "firm Tory plans" in the Mail and DT (Brown/Balls working their contacts again ?)
But Darling's latest porky is unreported.
30 November, 1998
A leading Liberal Democrat, Lord Newby, will argue today that England must be abolished as a political entity and b...
A leading Liberal Democrat, Lord Newby, will argue today that England must be abolished as a political entity and broken down into its constituent regions in order to save the UK.
The Financial Times (p7) reports that Lord Newby, in a pamphlet published by the Centre for Reform, a Liberal Democrat think-tank, will says there should be a series of regional assemblies, rather than an English parliament.
'We must avoid having parallel English and UK governments, with an English prime minister jostling with the UK prime minister,' he says.
'Such an unstable situation would surely spell the end of the UK. We must therefore harness the English regions to save the UK.'
He adds: 'The current piecemeal attempt at modernising our outdated constitution by bite-sized chunks of change is not a vision.'
"Where Britain becomes as it should be, a Britain of nations and 'Regions'"
Gordon Broon, Scotch Ayatolla of the 'Regions' (formerly E*gla*d).
Labour MP Kerry McCarthy can't quite believe a former CND campaigner has joined he Tories. Me neither, frankly?
Why? It's a perfect fit for the modern day Tories.
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