2. Party Political Animal wonders whether Tesco is trousering the VAT cut.
3. Right Student has a list of Iranian Twitterers.
4. Paul Richards on LabourList writes a memo to the new Press supremo at Number 10.
5. Keith Marsden on how Gordon Brown helped cause the financial crisis.
6. Mark Reckons has a Blair/Brown counterfactual.
7. Conservative History Blog on a meeting on why Winston Churchill lost Dundee in 1922.
8. FT Westminster Blog asks: can anyone stop Bercow?
9. Nick Assinder reports on a press gallery lunch with Eric Pickles.
10. Nick Bryant on Peter Costello, the best PM Australian never had.
11. Labour Blogger Mars Hill declares for Sir Patrick Cormack.
12. FleetStreetBlues thinks the Times was right to expose Night Jack.
Things are Looking Brown for bleak... And he is caught lying, again! Has he no shame?
I think The Times are playing a very stupid game.
I wonder! I wonder if Night Jack has offended someone who has the ear of a senior hack at The Times? And someone who knew who Night Jack is?
I always know you have linked to me Iain when my blog stats go high. That said I am not sure what is so special about my declaration. I am not the only Labour activist who has been impressed by him
That said, appreciate the link :-)
Haven't we had these dozen links before?
As well as Iranian Twitters,I have a link to a DDOS attack on the Iranian government. We can't do much to help, but we can do this!
As for Twitter, the contacts into the revolution are gr88 and stopAhmadi. If you can provide a proxy server or any other help then use these to infeom the Persian uprising. The link above has an onward link to a good amalgamated feed of Tweets for information.
Good links as always, Iain.
Surely the Keith Marsden, Wall Street Journal article is worthy of a featured blognote?
It nails the whole, Ponzi Brown economy of the last decade in a few paras. And how about the World Bank man's conclusion:
Choosing a new leader with integrity and managerial competence is the Labour party's best chance to win greater respect from voters
Oh, if only they had such a thing.
Thanks for the link Iain - good of you to link to a very different view on the whole Night Jack thing.
Never mind best of the blogs.
What about beast of the blogs:-
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