Later in the afternoon we heard briefly from Hazel Blears. She was perky, relaxed, animated, committed, intimate, all in the space of three minutes. Now I know many of you will read this and laugh like goats but if Labour really wants a new leader to dent Cameron, and if Alan Johnson truly isn't going to run, I reckon Labour could do worse than opt for the ginger chipmunk.
Hear, hear! The campaign starts here.
But seriously she is the only Labour Party politician I can think of who appears to understand that much of the coutry do not share the obsessions of the Labour Party.
I like her and anyone who is not just so plain personally unpleasant as Brown would be better. I cannot stand the way he always looks as if he is chewing a toffee with his arse when he is being interviewed.
Blears is the only Labour MP I have heard who pushes "aspiration" rather than "welfare" so she gets my vote!
"I reckon Labour could do worse than opt for the ginger chipmunk."
...... in leather !.
Chipmunk 1 Miliboy 0
The orchestra plays on the Titanic. They're all doomed I say, doooooomed...
No wonder bloggers are getting desperate. The ship can only sink once and God it's taking it's time.
Come off it Iain, she's really not up to it. It's not just dealing with the Opposition, she'd have to get NuLab into some sort of united and organised force well before the next election. Then there's the 'economy' - if that's what it is these days. No, I think they know they're going to lose it, so they are now all into personal damage limitation - Blears included.
Hmm.. I can't agree with Quentin on this, but what I will say is that she would make a far better 'cheer leader' for Labour, and be 10x more 'in touch' with the voters, than the current 'deputy leader' Harriet 'I've got a grudge, and I'm not afraid to use it' Harman...
Tapestry 10.36am
The ship may be sinking but the crew are having a lovely time re-arranging the deck chairs whilst the passengers are drowning.
I tend to agree, she is probably a bit lightweight (hardly unique in modern politics I know) but she and Alan Johnston are the only two who don't have that "other world" quality which Brown et al plus, if I'm honest, most of Cameron's team seem to have. Clegg's Ocado comment could have been made by most politicians on all sides, they all seem like they can't remember or have never experienced what its like to earn less than £100K a year. Blears and Johnston are the only exceptions to this.
Give me strength, she is xxxxxxx awful.Gary Glitter has more chance of winning and off topic Ian give Law'n'Order a wide berth
freedom to prosper
Yes it could work,, she is English, quite sexy and appealing. The only drawback is she is a solicitor. I don't recall having a tap dancing motorcyclist as PM before.
That'll be the men's vote down the pan......
Iain the Jumper suits you!
You remind me of Percy out of Blackadder without the ruff!
Yippee...we can more of this kind of "bitch-fest"!!!
Clearly you have been working too hard and need a holiday.
First Sarah Palin and now Robo-Chipmunk. I don't understand the fascination that you have with the shriller, shallower members of the fair sex.
I'm not sure how Ms Widdecombe fits into this scheme, but she would complete a most remarkable triumvirate (or whatever the female equivalent might be).
Vut seriously folks, the man that could appeal to all could be John Cruddas.
He lacks experience of greater political things, but so do Cameron and Clegg.
Look at how successful Gordon's experience has been.
Nurse !. The medication !!.
C'mon Iain, the whole of Kent is awaiting your verdict on, 'Boris Johnson International Airport' don't let them down.
Hmmm surely the leader of Kent council has got it wrong.
I hope Boris isn't going to be a bigger disappoint to you than Conway.
Well, at least she could appoint Hell's Angels as ministers.
I rather have them than the present lot.
I'd rather have dodos as ministers, come to think of it. At least the dodo is fully aware he is dead !
Alan Douglas
"We're listening to the people"
If we have to have a somewhat Sciurid PM I'd rather it was Mr Letts.
He's an intelligent and amusing fellow. I'm sure he hides food in the garden too. I can imagine he'd squirrel away at a medium to long term plan. Nuts anyone?
Certainly better than being Badgered by Labour. Or is that B******d?
"ginger chipmunk " ?????
more like ginger sparrow !
Yes ,she is a relief from the locked-in obsessed morbidity of Brown and the la-la-mad-strange-yet-threatening Miliband .
Superficially anyway.
In fact she is a central part of that odd sect known as inner-Labour which has seized control of the country. They are not normal people which is why they have such problems doing obvious normal things. In another existence they would be an odd religious sect, harmless and all living in the same cul de sac.
Come on dno@10.43. Would you rather be stuck in a lift with Blears, Harman, Miliband or Brown? The chirpy chipmunk gets my lift-related vote, that's for sure. Though I wouldn't go as far as Harry 'quite sexy' Basset.
Don't laugh at Glitter, after all John McCain was in goal in Vietnam for years & he's running for office!
Iain, I never know if you're serious about this Blears obsession!
Do you really think her a consummate politician, or is it just a jolly jape - like when I was a teenager and my group of friends decided to become obsessional about Kia cars. Of course, we didn't really think they we wonderful, but we pretended we did for a laugh. We even had a "Kia dance" which we performed whenever we saw one in the street. Kids, eh.
Iain, sounds to me like you're in love.
...and d'y'know what? Looking at her picture again, I think I would. She has the look of an enthusiast about her. Mind you I probably would not be able to keep up with her nowadays. Ahh. me.
Iain, you were not necessarily to know that Hazel throws most red-blooded males into a priapic frenzy, not least because she looks as though she would not be shy of adminstering the firm *smack* of discipline. Sarah Palin and Carla Bruni are mere bimbos who should fall in line.
With the exception of Vaz, she is possibly the most obnoxiously sycophantic creature in the regime. I would refer you all to a quote from the late, but not so great Gwyneth Dunwoody:
"I have been in the House long enough to see the coming and going of many inadequate personalities. I have seen those on both sides of the House who have been promoted for various reasons. I have seen the crawlers. I have seen those who have used sex - there are so many it would take too long to name them. I have seen those whose sexual preferences were of interest to others. I have seen those who demonstrated a great commitment to their own interests, irrespective of the political parties that they were supposed to represent.
"But I have rarely seen a decision such as this, taken with such cynicism and with so little respect for the interests of the average voter. When the secretary of state was seeking office as the deputy leader of the Labour party, she said that people frequently become disaffected with their own Government because they feel that no one is listening to them. Wherever could they have got that idea from? She also made it clear - she told us constantly - that she would listen".
She was of course referring to the slippery little troll that is Blears.
You know things are bad when people begin to discuss who might replace you.
You know things are really bad when they start to discuss replacing you with Hazel Blears...
As far as I am concerned they can take a little longer. That way they will be in the middle of the ocean, at its deepest, and the vessel will never re-surfaced!
The sad fact of life will be that Brown will be placed in the Lords, alongwith Mr and Mrs Balls and company, ensuring that they will be used by the BBC on almost every television programme.
Mind you it would be great television to have Brown on Strictly Come Dancing doing the Latin Dances!!! The mind boggles at such an event.
Perhaps in his struggle for support he could consider doing this for the Children in Need programme.
First - I am in favour of an airport out in the Estuary - Heathrow is in the wrong place. You have to accept that if it is to continue then a huge area around it needs to be turned over from housing to transport infrastructure.
As for Blears - none of this is to the point. Everyone in Labour have stood behind Brown and applauded him and his economic policy and his meddling in other govt departments.
There is no point changing leader if it does not come with a change in policy.
Will a new leader cut spending to reduce the govts deficit?
Will a new leader be able to halt the coming recession, cut the rise in unemployment.
Will a new leader be able to somehow pretend that the inflation, the falling house prices, the job losses, are somehow not Labours fault?
The harsh fact for us all, not just Labour is that growth in the past has been fuelled by borrowing. Right now the money has dried up and so has the potential for growth.
Heffer used her as a pic of a not-yet-headless chicken. You seem to have turned her into a body-less head.
No wonder she haunts your every waking moment !
Alan Douglas
In a nutshell, Hazel is just too cheerful and positive to be a BRITISH Prime Minister.
Hazel Blears as Labour leader? Worse, as defacto PM? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *gasps* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Please god no. That's grounds for revolution right there!
Harry Basset said...
"I don't recall having a tap dancing motorcyclist as PM before."
We have had a cricketing garden gnome manufacturer as PM so I guess anything goes.
Slightly off topic Iain, but I'd be interested to hear how you would vote in the Newsnight poll of Top 12 postwar PMs (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/7593554.stm). I've already listed my Top 12 on my own blog (http://toryheaven.blogspot.com/) and wonder whether you would take a similar view.
Errr, she got trounced in the deputy leadership contest so I can't see her winning the grand prize!
Blears for PM?????????...Iain I havent laughed so much since Harman caught her t**ts in the mangle!!!
I reckon Labour could do worse than opt for the ginger chipmunk.
Actually, she's a lot more of a red chipmunk these days.
Me thinks the dreaded grey chipmunk has invaded her territory.
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The Honourable Member for Munchkin Land? Please God No!
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