The Independent has a lengthy feature today on UKIP and its problems, which you can read HERE. The article alleges...
- Annabelle Fuller (who writes the excellent IS THERE MORE TO LIFE THAN SHOES blog) resigned her job after receiving threatening and abusive phonecalls.
- Nigel Farage is facing two rival plots to unseat him.
- A member of the UKIP Executive is a BNP donor.
- Former UKIP leader Roger Knapman is systematically undermining Farage.
After their storming performance at the 2004 European Elections, many people thought UKIP had a real chance to have an impact on the nation's politics. All the indications are that they have blown it bigtime.
The Devil gives his own unique take on this HERE, and explains why he left UKIP.
Sad if UKIP does implode - but given the 'rats in a sack' reality of politics (just look at Labour) - not a great suprise.
The book, "The Great Deception" by Brooker & North spells out in good detail why we need a UKIP. Quite frankly if the Tories would get their act together on the EU I would revert to supporting them - however the EUphiles are deeply embedded there.
I cannot understand why such a Patriotic Party as the Conservatives has been seduced into Monnet's master-plan. Suggestions please.
What is Cameron actually doing NOW about all the Tory gravy trainers caught with their snouts in the trough? Are they banned from standing again? Does this make Sajjad Karim top of the NW list? What does the grassroots think of that?
The devil has quit! Surely they can never recover now!
anonymous @3.10 - even members of the Patriotic Party (i assume we both mean that currently lead by windmill dave) can recognise the EU gravy train when they see it and would trample on their grannies fingers in order to be first on.
Their strong showing at the last European Elections was thanks to the presence of a television celebrity who is no longer a UKIP member, and was before their most natural constituency's order of priorities swapped from Europe then immigration to immigration then Europe. The loss of their one Greater London Assembly seat to the BNP is a sign of things to come.
Unless, of course, people get behind a pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war partyy of economically social democratic, morally and socially conservative British and Commonwealth patriots. A One Nation party, with an equal emphasis on the One and on the Nation. A party far too conservative to be capitalist, and far too left-wing to be liberal.
As the Devil says, we might as well just use UKIP to send a message to Cameron’s in coming government! I’m quite happy to do this even if some their members are getting into hot water with various things!
What the heck does it matter what UKIPS members are up to? If you’re against the EU & you see any party that’s against the EU & will make a brilliant protest to an incoming government you’d vote for them wouldn’t you? Even if their members dressed up in jack boots, painted on a Hitler moustache & was great with a whip when they performed at fetish parties that they published on youtube, you’d still vote for them to get a message across, right!
Myself! I would probably have to see some sort of proof of the great whipping ;o)
I had a few months within UKIP. I was even a Parliamentary Candidate! But soon realised that they were not what was written on the tin!
Farage continually worked against Knapman. Knapman continually worked against Farage. They both regard UKIP as their own personal property.
It has no chance now and I will wait to see just what Cameron will do. I believe the EU will implode because it will never be able to come to a real decision. -Look at Georgia! If Russia invaded and took over Georgia tomorrow the EU will do nothing!
We will end up tearing ourselves away from this corrupt organisation. As many people are tearing themselves away from UKIP!!
The BNP have had it as a key objective to collapse UKIP for a long time. Seems to be working out at last.
Farage is about all that's worth preserving from the ashes of UKIP, IMHO. Where might he go if UKIP does finally give up the ghost?
If he could join the Conservatives maybe or what about Libertas? Farage would boost that Party and give it a great start in the UK in Euro elections.
Except Ganley is not against the EU total, only the Lisbon Treaty and the lack of any democratic accountability. If Farage could ally with Libertas, it would be a strong suit for him to play, and a fresh start.
I talk to Tories and they are openly critical of Camoron and want shut of him as soon as. Liebour is in open revolt. The Lib Dems are run by ginger people. UKIP's problems are fairly minimal in comparison, Farage is popular in the membership. Farage is accused of being a dictator by a man who is openly criticising and challenging him whilst keeping his place on the NEC - if Farage ran the party as a dictatorship the NEC would be full of yes men (and women), there would be no opposition.
Mountain out of a molehill.
Good evening Iain,
Fresh from the conference I hate to disillusion you but we know we've hit the spot when the Independent publishes this re-heated crap. Prepare to do battle in 2009!
I think UKIP will manage to struggle on without DK, sad but true.
A great many people will vote UKIP in the EU elections, they are 'the only game in town' if you dislike rule by the EU.
On the subject of Europe Dave talks the talk but does not walk the walk, which should be away from that corrupt "group dictatorship". The British Voter is clever enough to realise it makes not a toss of difference who 'represents' us in Europe so UKIP it will be, no matter if they are fighting between themselves..... at least their position on Europe is clear.... an statement you could not make about Devious Dave.
As for the comment about people voting UKIP because of that knob Kilroy..... puleeease ! People impressed by him were stuck in front of their tellies and couldn't shift their arses to go and vote. As for his nonsense that the Collins woman 'endorsed' the party... well! most of us thought she was dead anyway.
why bother giving that extremist party UKIP any space on your blog?
They are nutters.
No party that has such execrable taste in colour and logo design deserves a single vote.
All that glisters is not gold.
Why are you allowing comments from extremists that want to stifle debate because they don't like a political party?
Kiljoy was a dick, UKIP is better off without him.
UKIP will do very well in the next sham euro election as long as El Gordo doesn't get his way and hold it on the same day as the general in which case Liebour and the Conswervatives will take a bigger share of the vote purely because it won't occur to people to vote for two parties on the same ballot paper.
No matter which party you intend to vote for in the euro farce, it should be held on the same day as our real elections otherwise it implies some kind of importance and legitimacy to the whole sham.
It would suit both Labour and conservative to have the general election on the same day as the Euro elections.... they can then pretend afterwards that they "knew nothing of the strength of feeling in the country blah blah".... and having got into government they can completely ignore that feeling. If the Euro vote is held before the General election it will be amusing to see both parties pretending to 'listen to our concerns' while promising us a load of fudge and half promises.
My money would be on General before Euro Election.
UKIP will, indeed, be happier without me -- in fact, the majority probably are happier without me. Many of them viewed me as a dangerous libertine with no morals whatsoever (many, to be fair, did not and are still fans). But since I left over nine months ago, I am sure that the readjustment has been made.
Were Farage to leave UKIP (and I believe that not to be as far-fetched as it might sound), then he would be welcome in the Libertarian Party, where he could articulate his full libertarian agenda, unconstrained by the pusillanimous, jingoistic fools who make up a good deal of the UKIP membership.
Cameron is Just another One World Govt Puppet.
As for UKIP, if they are genuine and do not wish to simply water down the Nationalist vote, should work together with other Nationalist parties.
The New World order For Dummies.
We are the evil empire.
Unplug yourself from the Matrix.
I see absolutely no point in voting for a Political Party that wants to remain in the EU. I will vote for either UKIP or BNP. If that means Labour gets in again, then so be it,for it does not matter whether Labour, Conservative or LibDem resides in the Houses of Parliament, each want the money, and vast expences without doing the job they have been elected for.
That to me is taking money under false pretenses. I would be encouraging such a deception by supporting them.
I most certainly will be using the EU Parliamentary election as a REFERENDUM as suggested by Nigel Farrage in his speech and would like to see every country elect "eurosceptic" parties. That would slow things down a bit and perhaps make the EU Commission and our so called Leaders of parties wish they had let the people have their say!
" * Annabelle Fuller (who writes the excellent IS THERE MORE TO LIFE THAN SHOES blog) resigned her job after receiving threatening and abusive phonecalls.
* Nigel Farage is facing two rival plots to unseat him.
* A member of the UKIP Executive is a BNP donor.
* Former UKIP leader Roger Knapman is systematically undermining Farage."
Yes, Annabelle didget threatening phone calls and no, this isn't acceptable. The "two plots"? One is being "run" by a BNP member (ie, not a UKIP member) whilst sitting on the dole in his mother's house. Scary stuff. The other one no one's quite heard of yet.
Sadly, the article contains one shred of truth. One member of the NEC has in the past made one donation to an organisation (I might get this name wrong at this time of day) along the lines of "American Friends of the BNP". No, no one is happy about this.
"Systematically undermining"....well, that's pretty much what happens in political parties. Norman Tebbitt isn't exactly brimming with praise for Dave Cameron, Dave Miliband is usually accused of not being systematic enough in his undermining of G. Brown. Or of course we have the Clarkes....Ken or Charles to party.
Ex-leader tries to undermine person who took their place.....didn't the Tories have this problem for a number of years with one E. Heath?
(Yes, I am indeed a press bod for UKIP).
I thought they had retired ARCHIE ANDREWS when Peter Brough died but I see that he is now back in a new role as leader of UKIP.
"why bother giving that extremist party UKIP any space on your blog?
They are nutters."...ah yes, nutters UKIP might be, but the people who will vote for them in June 2009 are not. They will use the EU elections as a referendum, surely you already know that. I remember another nutter, another Tory liar so extreme he took us into Europe and gave away our fishing and farming rights! Edward Heath by name, liar and total shit, and when I cast my vote for UKIP next year I will curse that bastard as I do it.
You're giving the game away Iain, so the Tories are worried about UKIP eh?
The EU is the single biggest threat to our freedom and the Tories remain committed to it, that's why I will continue to support UKIP.
Anne put it very well (7/9 7:49am)
The Conswervatives have a booklet for local branches specifically for how to deal with UKIP. Of course they're scared of UKIP, they're scared the Conswervative supporters will notice that the Conswervative Party is actually conservative any more.
ANyone reading this thread might like to think about who benefits from it and then read this:
The prospective EU candidate for North Cornwall was thrown out of the small business forum for being terminally devisive!!!
Goes with the party, really!
UKIP 'To Implode?' Surely thats wishful thinking by the pro European Union political class!
critics of UKIP are running away from freedom!
As a former UKIP member and branch Chairman and (by way of identification) a friend of Sean Gabb's I think your analysis is correct to a point. However I do not share your confidence of Farage's intentions. I have for some years held that UKIP could not have been so spectacularly unsuccessful without this being by design. For years I have seen qualified and experienced people leave UKIP without any attempt by the leadership to dissuade them from their decisions makes for an uneasy conclusion that UKIP was designed to fail. The success of 2004 should have led to serious political engagement within the country. Instead it was as though we had elected clowns. The promises made were broken and men such as the impossibly named Tom Wise simply underscored that UKIP is just the same as all the other parties. So while you wish to encourage people to vote for UKIP in 2009, would it not be better to have a mass write in campaign whereby those of us who wish to leave the EU and make our own laws, state so clearly on the ballot papers? I think the Taxpayer's Alliance and the Libertarian Alliance could form a formidable block but no one in the European Parliament is of any relevance to us at all. Were the entire electorate to vote UKIP and send the MEPs to the EP this would not remove us from the EU. As long as the New World Order shill David Cameron is in charge of the Tory party there is no possibility of dealing with the EU problem through our Parliament which, apart from the streets, is the only place it will be done. So my instinct is that Farage purposely surrounded himself with those less capable than himself to ensure his position is secure. He has made no impact in the UK whatever apart from some stupid stunt with a tank outside Parliament. And the central issue of who governs us is avoided by the media because UKIP cannot engage with the media either. And to say the media is too powerful is given the lie by the success of Guido Fawkes and other political bloggers who have created such a stir that the BBC have HAD to take note. UKIP cannot be that inept, but a UKIP designed by the Tories to lance any opposition to their complacency (and in the case of Commie ron the duplicity over a post ratified Lisbon Treaty) over the EU does strike me as the reason UKIP has turning into UKRAP. I was inside UKIP for too long to miss the "deliberate mistakes" such as late delivered election materials, incompetence of the highest order and in the case of the money hosed into the Welsh Assembly elections and Ashford call center which went walkabout, I conclude at best fraud and at worst deliberate sabotage of a party which has had some of the most decent British people as members. The BNP meanwhile is old Labour, socialist, working class and will never achieve anything outside of the underclasses in the cities. There too an intelligent man presides over a party of his unequals. If Farage were a real leader he would call elections but elections in UKIP never actually work. It is a shame but the UK will probably leave the EU after the EU collapses and not through any political effort in Westminster, the EP being a farce.
Here's a conference round-up for your delight:
Tiny Tim Wotzit said:
" * Annabelle Fuller (who writes the excellent IS THERE MORE TO LIFE THAN SHOES blog) resigned her job after receiving threatening and abusive phonecalls.
* Nigel Farage is facing two rival plots to unseat him.
* A member of the UKIP Executive is a BNP donor.
* Former UKIP leader Roger Knapman is systematically undermining Farage."
Well he would put the Party spin he is paid to & has destroyed what credibility he had as a journalist.
Lets play it one point at a time just to extract the FACTS:
" * Annabelle Fuller (who writes the excellent IS THERE MORE TO LIFE THAN SHOES blog)
Have you lost all powers of judgement? It is a foul mouthed, obscene maunderings portraying the sad specimen as a slut!
resigned her job after receiving threatening and abusive phonecalls.
She resigned when having criminally broken the Data Protection Act and failing to produce the remotest of plausible excuses 'TaxiGate' - The DPA Case Number is #RFA0208845 & the Police investigation is #OF/08/427 a case in which this irresponsible little girl has embroilled EUkip in criminality.
* Nigel Farage is facing two rival plots to unseat him.
Ony 2? I wish them well he was predicted to be a failure as a leader and has been catastrophic.
* A member of the UKIP Executive is a BNP donor.
Invited on by Nigel Farage in the full knowledge of his two small donations made to a cover organisation in America and probably advocated by Farage's election agent who was formerly a National Front Candidate I understand.
* Former UKIP leader Roger Knapman is systematically undermining Farage."
The informed will recall Farage brought Knapman in with great glee & gusto from the Tories after he lost 'Stroud' & the Tories refused to have him back - Farage has consistently proved a bad judge of character, incompetent delegator and contemptuous of the members flouting all his own regulations to employ his wife, fund his life style, position his favourites, instal his chosen cronies.
You will note even his very closely associated comrad Chris Mounsey believes he may leave EUkip - of course - Farage is currently realligning his career to suit a more Tory stance to start as a virgin all over again alligned with the policies of Declan Ganley & Libertas Farage may well be an excellent performing monkey at times but 'no claret quoiffing surrender loving monkey he' ever the coward rather than act with integrity he is seeking HIS future elsewhere.
Tim - Not just 2 rivals but his own worst enemy - you will learn! What part did you play in placing this utterly fabricated rehash of old stories and poor acting - I note the studio photo shoot for effect provided photos for other papers to run this spoof!
Greg Lance-Watkins
There is a lot of skullduggery about, if other parties FEAR UKIP, the Conservatives must realise they are going to lose some votes. They lost me when they did not remove themselves (as promised) from the EPP
One thing that has made me realise just how important UKIP is, is that without their stance on withdrawal from the European Union, this country will be swallowed up by the EU. This will have been done by ALL three major Parties of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Each and every Prime Minister will have played their part, but the ones that will remain forever in heats and minds will be the first and the last. . The Lib Dems were always clear in what they wanted. Their change of stance on the last vote in the House of Lords therefore came as no surprise. It was the two major Parties that said one thing and did another. No one can believe any Manifesto Promise of any Party any more. That trust has gone forever. Voting for any Political Party to form a Government in this Country will be a waste of time, effort and money.
Should Lisbon come into being, even the pretence of governing this Country will be gone. The enemy we know is before us, we can defeat. The enemy that is within, is far harder to detect and defeat. One thing they all forgot. The Brits when roused and when all seems lost, actually win in the end.
I suspect Peter Watson is right and that UKIP is a false flag operation designed to mop up and squander the anti-eu people and resources.
Rather like the tories are a false flag op to mop and squander pro free market people and resources.
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