Friday, June 13, 2008

Civil Partnership = No Blogging

Blogging will be light to non existent over the weekend. I hope you think my reason is a worthy one.

On Sunday, I am getting "civil partnered" to my partner of thirteen years, John Simmons. Even though it's not exactly on the Colleen McLoughlin-Wayne Rooney scale there's quite a bit of preparation to do.

I'll be back on Monday or Tuesday.

PS Where has that damned helicopter got to? Portofino awaits...


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Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain and John. Hope you both enjoy the day.

strapworld said...

Iain, May I wish you both every happiness. Congratulations.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and may you have many more years of happiness together.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'm amongst many in wishing you many congrats indeed Iain (and likewise to John), and the very best to you both.


Anonymous said...

I am delighted for you. Do enjoy the day.


Unknown said...

Congratulations - have a lovely day.

Louise said...

Many, many congratulations. Hope you and John have a long and happy life together. But we hope to see the photos on the front cover of Heat next week.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. It's great that, thanks to a Labour Government, you now have this right...

Anonymous said...

congratulations. Will you do a feature for Hello?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Iain.

Anonymous said...

May I be one of the first to congratulate you. I trust you'll be selling the pics to Hello!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and your partner.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Iain. Hope you've picked out a suitably disgusting tie for the occasion.

Anonymous said...

May I extend my very best wishes to you both. I wish you Health, Happiness and Prosperity in your continued journey together. Hearty Congratulations!

Cinnamon Marine said...

Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Sincere congratulations!

But will you be wearing white, Iain? ;)

Benny said...

Excellent news! Congratulations Iain. Don't forget to do a picture exclusive on here! It's getting more like Hello! magazine every day :p

Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...


And aren't you lucky we elected a Labour government in 1997. (Sorry, couldn't resist it)

Anonymous said...

What we all want to know is will DD be the best man and will Widdecombe catch the bouquet?

Joking apart - have a wonderful day Iain, benefiting from probably the only Labour policy we can BOTH agree was a good idea!

Anonymous said...

I wish you the very best.


Typical though isn't it-you'll miss the
Haltemprice by election
the Irish Referendum
the Gordon Brown relaunch (never mind there'll be another one along soon)

p smith said...


I had always wondered why you were more human and reasonable than the average Tory. Now I know!

Good luck and all the best. More importantly, NO blogging

Alan Douglas said...

Congratulations Iain and John, I hope you have many happy years together.

But you could'a picked a better weekend to be away ....

Alan Douglas

Daily Referendum said...

Congratulations to you and John.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Ben Sherreard said...

Cangratulations to you both.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both.

Anonymous said...

Warm congratulations on your celebration. In this day and age longevity in partnerships of any kind is a bit of a novelty, so well done and enjoy your weekend.

With very best wishes


Anonymous said...

Well let me be the first to say Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Iain and John!

Anonymous said...

If you want media coverage like the Rooney wedding you should invite your mate David Davis. You could flog the photo's to OK! for a few quid too.

Good luck, and enjoy your day.

For all Rooney's money and it pisses down!

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! You'll make a lovely bride!

Curmy said...

The very best of luck Iain.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will be posting a photo of you in your wedding dress :¬)

Many happy returns!

Anonymous said...

I thought that's what it would be!

Congratulations to you both and may your future together be as happy as your past.

Patrick said...


All the best and every happiness for the future.

Anonymous said...

congratulations Iain! perhaps you could do a 'daley dozen' for us to read over the weekend to fill the gap of you not blogging!

Have a good time!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, any truth in the rumour that David Davis is going to be best man?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations Iain, hope you enjoy your special day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain, I hope you both have a wonderful day and life together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain. I hope you both have a lovely ceremony, and have many happy years together.

Laurence Boyce said...

Congratulations Iain! This is way bigger than Rooney. Did you go with Hello or OK in the end? And how thoughtless of Davis to resign at this time. Seriously, I wish you and John many (more) long and happy years together. Have a terrific weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Iain and John, hope you have many happy years of health, love and laughter!

ma said...

many congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wondered if it was that - many congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain - all the best with civil-partnershipped life. I hope you enjoy every happiness.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Have a great day - luckily there is nothing going on politically at the moment....

Anonymous said...


best wishes etc.

Hercules said...

Congratulations Iain!

Anonymous said...

many congratulations Iain. Hope it all goes well.

Ilja Nieuwland said...

Iain, I hope you have a very happy weekend! Congrats all around from The Hague!

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations!

Stef said...

Hearty congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain!

I hope you and your partner enjoy yourselves.

Mr Eugenides said...

Congrats indeed.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Labour and the Lib Dems for making this possible.

Julian the Wonderhorse said...

Congratulations, how very civil.

Where is the stag do?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both ...... and a honeymoon in Hull too you lucky things

Cynlas said...

Congratulations, and have a fantastic day x

Michael Heaver said...

Congratulations mate.

Anonymous said...

Many, many congratulations to both of you, and here's hoping you have a long and happy life together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain.

Daniel said...

Congratulations Iain. Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Iain, for goodness sake don't be blogging at *all* over the weekend – just enjoy your wedding, and the blog will still be there when you get back!

But apart from that, many congratulations, and may you enjoy many (more) happy years together.

(Shall you be toasting Mr Blair for getting the law changed? ;)

Anonymous said...

Well done, Ian. Many congrats

Anonymous said...

'... and may your future together be as happy as your past.'

As an acquaintance of mine once said, 'We had twenty five happy years - then we met each other and decided to get married'

every good wish to you both

Anonymous said...


JH said...

congratulations to you both!

Anonymous said...

Many many congratulations, Iain. Have a wonderful day, both of you.

Not that Nick Wood said...

Many congratulations. Hoping you and John have a long and happy life together.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and yours.

The Irish and DD have given you a good send-off!!

Chris Paul said...

Congratulations Iain, that's brilliant news. And getting partnered as well! Well done on the latter and good luck in keeping away from the blog. A sweep is being run. Which is lucky I believe.

Jonathan said...


Enjoy the freedom offered to you by your Labour govt.

Have a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, hope it all goes well.

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations.

Anonymous said...


Congrats old chap. Have a good weekend

luv you

Anonymous said...

He means Joan Simmons surely,have I missed something here?

The Remittance Man said...

Congratulations and best wishes to you both.


ps Has John hidden your Blackberry? Just so's you're not tempted :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. May I wish you both all the happiness for the future!

Stephen Glenn said...

Wishing you and John a long and happy civil partnership.

We trust it won't be long before you hear the pitter patter of little blogging key-presses after the happy day. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain - I hope you have a fantastic day!

Paul Evans said...

Many congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Ian - I'm not gay but wish you every happiness - now lets hope this gets it out of your system and you can start blogging earlier each morning!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and very best wishes for you both.

Anonymous said...

Come on Ian - far too much going on to worry about getting hitched - get it over with and back to work - congratulatuions

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both.

Before you go, could you please organise a link to the David Davis web site and donation mechanism.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations have a great day and a long and happy life together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain!

Anonymous said...

Good show, sir!

Anonymous said...

dear iain

thats a beautiful thing

may your days be filled with happiness

Gareth said...

Congratulations to you both.

I went to one of these gay weddings down in Devon last summer.

Funnily enough, when they threw the bouquet, all the straight blokes made absolutely no attempt to catch it.

Dick the Prick said...

Good on you both. Hope you have a lovely day and don't bore yer guests by talking about Lisbon etc (for it's a shocker but most folk don't really care much about politics!!).

All the best


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain and John!

Darell said...

All the very best to both of you...I presume Total Politics will be covering the celebrations as the social event of the year?

Your NW3 Councillors said...

Mazel Tov to you and John, Iain.

Anonymous said...

What with this and the Irish NO vote it's hard to hold back the tears.

James said...

Congratulations Iain.

I wish you every happiness.

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations to you both, and it's nice to know the Labour government did do one thing right.

Liz said...

Congratulations to you both! Wishing you many years of happiness.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both. Have a nice time.

Anonymous said...

Every best wish to the both of you.

(Have asked Gordon, and he's agreed to keep the men in white coats at bay until your return.....)

Tory Dipper said...

Seems like a feeble excuse for bootling out of the David Davis is bonkers debate!

Newmania said...

Have you tried not being a homosexual ?

I jest , best of luck

Pogo said...

Congratulations guys! :-)

Anonymous said...

All the best for the two of you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, that is so wonderful. Enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Aww, you big softie. Best of luck to you both, congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

All the best to both of you :)

Tristan said...


I look forward to the day when the state has been removed from marriage and you are free to do as you like!

Anonymous said...


very best wishes to you both

Enjoy this great occasion (your partnerfication I mean, not the Irish Referendum result)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you!

Anonymous said...

Do I need to buy Hello or OK and what's the Mother in Law like? Have a great time.
freedom to prosper

thermalsatsuma said...

Congratulations and best wishes for many happy years together!

Anonymous said...

That's lovely news, Iain. All the very best to you both this weekend and in the years to come.

Brian said...


Anonymous said...

All the best.

Here's hoping the English weather can remember what month it is, and stay (at least) dry...!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Iain.

Take a well earned rest.

Anonymous said...


Theo's take....

Letters From A Tory said...

Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you.

Anonymous said...

I remain a bit mystified by these civil partnerships as I always thought one of the main attractions of being gay was the greater licence for promiscuity...

But, as it's what you want, many congratulations anyway, including on not using the M word in your post.

Tapestry said...

uncivil partnership = blogging?

I'm not sure what to wish for.

Congratulations and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

"Civil Partnership = No Blogging"

Nice to see you get your priorities right.


Anonymous said...

wow congratulations!

Anonymous said...


I am a committed Labour member, and your blog provides me with daily annoyance, but congratulations. Hope you have a great day, and a great life together.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

As a side note to the "HUR LABOUR" commentators on here. I shall note that two members of the Tory Shadow Cabinet are openly gay. Alan Duncan and, I beleive, Nick Herbert.

Anyway, Congratulations to you both Iain and John!

As a side note to John, hit Iain over the head with a political memoire if he goes near a computer during your ceremony and weekend or so away.

Ming's book should knock him out, but leave no lasting damage.

Iain, you have been warned by many already! WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE POLIICAL BLOGGING.

We will however, accept ceremony/Honeymoon photographs.

To poorly paraphrase.

"Make Love, not Politics"

Anonymous said...

Hey, good one Iain, well done, congratulations and all that jazz.

Watch out for the 'first night nerves'! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Congratulations and best wishes to you both

Anonymous said...

Mazeltov and brocha (blessings) to you and John.

Anonymous said...

As someone who enthusiastically voted for the civil partnership legislation, can I wish you both the best of luck and every happiness in the future.

Theo Spark said...

Sorry Iain but this is too good to pass up,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Is Donal Blaney boycotting?

Swordsman said...

Congrats and best wishes. Have a great and memorable day.

Anonymous said...

may you have a long and happy life togeather as my partner and i did ,michael.

Anonymous said...

All the best Iain,

Enjoy your break - you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Amusing to see all the comments from people who didn't realise you were gay! You don't exactly make a secret of it. Have a fantastic day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, guys!

Anonymous said...

All the very best to you both.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to both of you. I hope you have a wonderful day and a very happy future together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain! I hope that you both have a wonderful day and have a wonderful life together. This lovely news along with the news from Ireland has etched a great grin in my face :D

Anonymous said...

Have a great day.. and a well-earned rest from blogging...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain and John, and every future happiness to you both.

Shaun said...

Congratulations! May your partnership be as entertaining for you as your blog is for us!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain and John, it's gonna be a very special day. I still remember the day when I did it with my partner.

Paul Walter said...


Many congratulations to you and John on your marriage.

With best wishes for future happiness and I look forward to the blog posting from you via Blackberry from the ceremony (or perhaps not).

Yellow said...

You might not be blogging but admit it, you're going to be watching the political news, aren't you!

I'd like to be the first Vicar to offer you both my hearty congratulations...

and I think I just have been. All the best to you both for the future.

Richard Brown said...

Many congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations!!


Anonymous said...

Iain, many congratulations

Anonymous said...

Good on you, you old poofta!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both. I hope you have a fantastic day - and happy life together after.

Shame that my invitation to the ceremony seems to have got lost in the post.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes to you both. I hope that at least one of the toasts will be in Guinness to 'the Irish people - saviours of democracy'

Steve Horgan said...

Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes for the future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain. :)

Wishing you and John every happiness for the years ahead.

Enjoy your break from blogging too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain and John!

I hope you both have a wonderful day and all the best for the future!

Ralph Hancock said...

Well done, and may you have a long and happy life together.

Anonymous said...

Never before have I seen the word congratulations written so many times. Looks like we all love you Iain, even the lefties...

I hope that John and yourself have a wonderful weekend.

When can we expect to see the photos?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - I wish you all the best for your future together.

Anonymous said...

Many Congratulations to yourself and John. Have a great day.
To quote a horrible Cliche from Airplane!:"You picked a fine weekeen to give up Blogging!"
No use of the Blackberry please .....

Anonymous said...

Best wishes and forget politics for a few days.The same cast will be here next week.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain. Don't you worry about us, we'll all still be here when you get back!

Hope the sun shines on your big day.

Jill x

Anonymous said...

If you're reading this then get back to John.

Anonymous said...

Many Congratulations to you both and the very best of luck for your future together!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll have a memorable day and with best wishes for a great future together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both - all best wishes for a very happy day, followed by many more marvellous years together.

Anonymous said...

Una Talbot

Warmest congratulations Ian and John.
Hope you have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...


Might I remind you that you were up at 1.28 a.m this morning blogging and on the TV all over the place for most of the evening before that.

Its really going to have to stop when you are properly spliced.

Can we see some wedding photos on the blog when you get back?

Very best best wishes to you and John.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and John, best of luck for the big day, and best wishes for your future life together.

Briefly returning to politics, the civil partnership legislation and lifting the Armed Forces ban on gay personnel are isolated examples of decent policies enacted by this government. There's very little else to their credit.

Now forget all that and have a good time!

Anonymous said...

Every happiness to you both.

David Anthony said...

Congratulations. I wish you both all the best and a long and happy life together.


Rachel said...

Viva amore!

And turn off your phone and enjoy every moment!

Unknown said...

Huge congratulations. All the best for the weekend and the future.


wonkotsane said...

Congrats Iain.

It's traditional for the bride to turn up late - make sure you figure out which one of you it's going to be in advance or it could be a bit embarrassing!

In all seriousness, have a great day and I hope it all goes well for you.

Newmania said...

What no bloggery at all ?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both and have a fab day

Anonymous said...

Hope you both have a fantasic day and best wishes for your future together

Ed xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both. Don't forget the two most important words in a marriage, "Yes, dear."

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful day.Will be thinking of you both. Big Big congratulations to you and John. Becci.

Anonymous said...

Have yet more congratulations, Iain! Enjoy the day, enjoy the life.

Richard Gadsden said...

Congratulations. Shame you're not allowed a proper marriage, but then we have a chicken-shit government, so there you go.

All the best.

Chris Whiteside said...

Many congratulations and very best wishes to Iain and John. I hope you have a long and happy life together.

Anonymous said...

Iain and John have been together for so long that it's hard to see what lasting practical difference this weekend will make.

Hard, that is, as long as you ignore the elephant in the living room, as every commenter so far seems to have done.

No one can blame Iain and John for helping themselves to the massive tax perks made available to them by a chancellor who otherwise taxed whatever he could get away with. But the rest of us would do well to ask what national interest justifies this.

Historically marriage has received fiscal support because the state recognises its vital interest in the resultant natality. Homosexual unions lack this, so why should they receive fiscal benefits?

Has Iain ever discussed this question on the blog?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the EUssr will allow to pack your (Cameroon).
Just keep up the info on your blog.

Wyrdtimes said...

All the best Iain and John - have a great time.

Come on Ireland!

Anonymous said...

congrats Iain

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Sniff.

Anonymous said...

Belated congratulations Iain & John.( some of us have to work for a living )

Hope you both had a lovely day.

( ? who is moderating ? )

Ellee Seymour said...

And warm wishes to you both from me.

Anonymous said...

So who's going to carry whom over the threshold?

Miss Wagstaff said...

All the best to you both, for the weekend and the future.

Anonymous said...

do tell us about your stag do/hen night ?

Andrew Allison said...

Have a great day the both of you. I will keep you updated on all the things that are happening in Haltemprice and Howden!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Iain and John.

Do I think this is a good excuse for not blogging? Hell no! Perhaps you should be blogging that! (Only joking)

Have a great time.

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