political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Dizzy Goes Mainstream

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Well done to Dizzy - it was only a matter of time.
Yes, he has now reached the Dizzy heights of the MSM...
Well done.
As long as bloggers keep their blogs, I think we are better positioned that indigenous journalists who are all scrambling over each to learn about blogging.
Raise a glass to "feeding on the hand that beats us".
Cheers Iain :)
This is the same guy who wished that someone who commented on his blog would die of cancer and went on to wish that of the commentors wife and children? Nice guy isn't he.
They can't silence bloggers with criticism and invective. Now they're trying cash.
Graeme, what you have to realise is that anyone who has actually met me, and knows the manner in which I say things rather than just having read the words on the screen, knows that when I say such things it is done in a particularly deadpan and sarcastic way. I'm not sure if you ever watched Harry Enfield, but many moons ago there was a character that was a bit of a cad who would say "hope you die soon". Such comment are thusly inspired by great comics such as that. I would say something witty and heavily insulting now, but I just can't be arsed this morning.
Well Done Dizzy. I'm not jealous - much.
Congratulations Dizzy. His debut article is a cut above the average, too.
Graham McMahon:
"This is the same guy who wished that someone who commented on his blog would die of cancer and went on to wish that of the commentors wife and children?"
Yup, that's the guy. Though a list of other outbursts and juvenile stunts that he has pulled would be longer than his article in all likelihood. Ringing people up at home and shouting at them, liberal use of obscenities; the Times is welcome to him. I generally avoid his blog as much as possible, as his style leaves me feeling more than slightly soiled.
"They can't silence bloggers with criticism and invective. Now they're trying cash."
And for those on the right it appears to be working. The question is whether those bloggers choosing to make the cross-over will gain any insight into the MSM and the restrictions it sometimes has to work under. Iain does, but do others such as Phil or Paul?
Where will all of this end?
Even John Hirst has now got a column in our local Parish magazine.
Looks like the giant liberal conspiracy has been beating the toms toms to ensure that all of the usual yapping poodles show up here to have a go at Dizzy, doesn't it?
Regular commentator going undercover as he doesn't want these people going through his bins.
"I generally avoid his blog as much as possible, as his style leaves me feeling more than slightly soiled."
I never knew I could inspire a scatological reaction. Go me!
Phil, might not the state sector be specifying technically impossible systems to ensure that the contract values are ten times what they would otherwise be, and therefore so too are the bribes on offer. Why assume it is serial incompetence, when serial corruption might also be a factor?
I'm thrilled for you too Dizzy. Brilliant.
John M Ward, shouldn't you update your Blogger profile to read EX Local Councillor?
graeme 12:11AM
Well he does look like a murderer!
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