Clive Broad is a UKIP candidate in thurrock in Essex. He has an odd way of encouraging support for UKIP. In this week's Thurrock Gazette he is quoted as saying that he will be voting for the British National Party.

I await his expulsion from UKIP with eager anticipation.
Hattip to UKIP@home
Candidatures should be limited to those who have above single-digit IQs
Any candidate supporting another party during an election needs to be expelled pronto.
Lets see if Nigel Farage acts to expel this person.
Mr Dale, this message was posted on political betting. If it turns out to be true what's your opinion?
O/T - Same old Tories beneath the veneer?
A Conservative candidate in Telford is a former senior member of the National Front.
George Ashcroft was a Regional Organiser for the National Front in the late 1990’s.
He made his local association aware of his past and they still selected him!
*note - (for those who might not be aware) - The National Front are so extreme they make the BNP look like choirboys.
What a muppet. Seriously. Even if he is going to vote BNP, telling the local media is just plain stupid.
I've no truck with BNP racism but I can understand the frustration. It was your mob, Iain Dale, that sold this country out.
Vote UKIP.
If there's no UKIP candidate vote BNP.
If there's no BNP candidate don't vote.
Perhaps Iain thought he'd have to vote for Dave's BluLabour.
Thanks for that voting advice, anonymous. One never knows how to vote these days, so it’s much appreciated. It’s such a pity that I’ve only just returned from putting my vote in the post – I voted Liberal Democrat. I feel so silly now.
If UKIP won't put up a candidate in his constituency, it's perfectly reasonable for him to vote for another party. That he's chosen the BNP is unfortunate, and misguided: they're as authoritarian, statist, and socialist as the main three.
Anonymous said...
If UKIP won't put up a candidate in his constituency, it's perfectly reasonable for him to vote for another party. That he's chosen the BNP is unfortunate, and misguided: they're as authoritarian, statist, and socialist as the main three.
April 29, 2007 6:55 PM
Clive Broad is a UKIP candidate - he decided not to stand in his ward but to stand 5.5 miles away!
He has only himself to blame for there being no UKIP candidate in his ward!
You can't be kicked out of a party for voting for another one (and if there's no UKIP candidate it's not like he has a choice), only for campaigning for or donating to them.
That's odd. There's no author to the previous post.
Previous post but one I see it is now.
So lets get this straight then. Clive Broad lives in a ward where there are elections. Instead of standing as the UKIP candidate where he lives he has decided to stand over 5 miles away in a distant wards.
He then bemoans the fact there are no UKIP candidates in the ward he lives and is going to vote BNP!
Is the man an imbecile? Stand where you live and then you will be voting for yourself!
I find Labour far more repugnant then both UKIP and the BNP. The Labour party have no problem whatsoever whipping up the politics of hate when it politicall suits them, and they are in a position to be a far greater threat to my liberty and freedom then ukip or the bnp ever will.
Mr Broad did used to be a member of the Conservative Party, and stood for them twice.
I am quite interested to know Mr Dale's views on the Tory candidate who used to be an organiser for the BNP.
'I am quite interested to know Mr Dale's views on the Tory candidate who used to be an organiser for the BNP. '
I think the term is 'used to'. People can have a change of heart you know.
I'd be interested to know what Labour bods will be voting in the 40% of wards without a Labour candidate...
For the record Clive Broad is standing in the ward where his business is.
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