On Friday, I'm going to the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff to record two programmes - a special Welsh edition of Blogger TV featuring six Welsh political bloggers, and also a debate between representatives of all four main political parties on the Welsh Assembly elections. Participants include
Glyn Davies AM (Con), Anthony Hunt (Lab),
Peter Black AM (LibDem) and an as yet unnamed Plaid Cymru representative.
I'd like to submit questions to this panel from 18 Doughty Street viewers and my blog, so if you have a burning Welsh related issue you'd like an answer on, feel free to submit a question in the comments. I need them submitted by midnight on Thursday.
Ask them for OUR money back?
Which of the four political parties will commit to a new referendum on whether or not the Welsh electorate wish to continue having a Welsh assembly.
The best question comes from Sir Thomas More in "A Man For All Seasons"
“Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?”
Iain, I am rather hoping that you will be using this as an opportunity to pose serious questions about the Welsh Assembly, not giving people an excuse to put racist hate speech about the Welsh in this blog.
Ask Labour why they were castigating Plaid Cymru for wanting to get into a coalition [with the Tories].
Yet it now tranpsires, following some excellent investigative reporting from the journalist Vaughan Roderick that Labour have been considering entering into a coalition with Plaid Cymru. Ask them why there has been such rank hypocrisy over this issue.
[Labour rejects 'deal' report]
My burning Welsh issue is:
Who is Arsembly?
Auntie Flo'
National Assembly for Wales
What do they acutally do and much money do they get for being in the WElsh Assembly and where does the cheque come from. The Bank of England I fear!
No Scottish edition?
We don't bite!
"what is the point in the welsh conservative party"
A sign of the sort of stealthy trick the devolutionists are prepared to indulge in to try move ever further towards full powers was to arrogate to themselves the right to "name" the sizeably over-budget Assembly Building the "Senedd" - the Welsh word for Parliament (not Assembly).
It is not right to claim that more powers will ipso facto mean better Assembly administration - nothing so far has shown that there is a capability there (in any party) to deliver - merely extra cost to the taxpayer and Wales suffers further by now not featuring in many areas in comparative league tables with England - so the performance of the Assembly cannot properly be assessed.
Slowly Wales slips off the pace, notwithstanding the relatively generous Barnett formula for Treasury funding (until England loses its patience with that and Wales is left to fend for itself).
You might ask where Wales would feature if we could see proper comparative tables with England on health, education etc. after 8 years of Assembly government - and how much the bill for this underachievement has been?
You could ask whether the decision to delay the announcement as to the future of the neurosurgery dept at Swansea's Morriston Hospital until after the election was not typical New Lab at its worst.Andrew Davies would definitely be out at Swansea West if the decision had been made when scheduled.This is a good seat for tactical voting.If enough Tories are game for it,the Lib Dems should win.
How will you end the dependency culture that dominates Welsh politcs?
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