The odious senior LibDem councillor in Cambridge, Colin Rosenstiel has a bit of form when it comes to tangling with the authorities. Older readers will remember THIS and THIS. He's been up to his old tricks again this week. This time it's the British Transport Police who had to eject him from a train after he refused to move to another carriage. Details HERE.
Do the LibDems have a policy of three strikes and you're out?
What a complete arse the man is. If I was a Lib Dem...sorry that made me laugh....if I was a Lib Dem I'd be dismayed that this twerp still walks the streets with a yellow rosette on.
He really ought to go before he really damages someone with his self-indulgent antics - but, having said that he is great value for opposition parties....
I regularly have to take the Kings X to Cambridge train these days...and can assure those who do not that this particular service is usually rammed between the hours of 3pm and 7pm. Given this, it is obvious to me that those who intend to carry a bike onto the train put the thing at or near the front of the train. If you get on with your bike at the back of the train, then you're obstructing every single person who is running to catch the train at Kings X (they always jump on the first carriage and walk through).
In short, the Cllr is clearly talking rubbish, as any commuter on this line will confirm, and I am pleased action was taken against him in this instance.
If only we could convince the people of the good city of Cambridge what everybody else in the county of Cambridgeshire already knows - elect Conservatives. Then you wont have to put up with this nonsense.
The man clearly has a few issues, I'm just sorry for whomever lives next door to him.
In my experience your typical lib dem is a pompous littlehitler who does not like it up him.
love me love my bike.
To quote a well know global warmist, 'what an areshole'
What a total tit. Clearly his fuse is too short and his brain isn't connected to his mouth.
As for the train, I commuted on that line for over 3 years until recently. I know what overcrowding feels like and idiots like Rosenstiel just make it worse. Hopefully First Capital Connect will ban him from their services forthwith.
A LibDem in trouble? What a surprise
He`s lucky (very) that the Police failed in their duty. He should have been arrested for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace not just asked to move carriages. If he`d continued to shout at me when I was in the job he bloody well would have been....
No, the Lib Dem policy according to Clegg is 'Three strikes and you're in'.
Quick Iain, tell them you're gay
All parties have embarrassing councillors. Anyone remember Wolverhampton Conservative Councillors - Councillor Carol Bourne and Councillor David Bourne.
Without knowing all the facts I'm not going to rush to judgement.
Do you know Iain I remember him when we were opening in The Grafton Centre in Cambridge. He was a very unpleasant individual in my opinion then so he has not changed. I had forgotton all about him till I read your piece.
I know Colin Rosenstiel from way back. All I can say is: Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap.
The man is clearly and annoying arse. Asserting your personal convenience over those of others is so self centered...
On the other hand if there were just a few more like him perhaps there would not be so many tales of 'officialdom' over-reaching their authority. Harmless photographers might not be harassed by the Police. Non-violent protesters might not be 'kettled'. Wheelie Bin officials might find a better use for their time.
Just saying.
Actually he's the sort of bloke who makes me wish that a traffice warden would taser him. He demeans the character of those who would stand up to overbearing, authoritarian behaviour by behaving like a spoilt brat who throughly deserves a good smack.
Anyone with time to spare should vist the newsgroup cam.misc and look at the thread about LD councillors without an argument, where he contributes his usual self-serving twaddle at length. This spiced up by repeatedly referring to people who suggest that he might be able to go through life without being such an utter knob as "saints", in a sarcastic and unpleasant way, as if behaving yourself with a bit of graciousness is somehow unbearably superior rather than a useful method of ensuring that millions of people can live on a small island in relative peace - as in, not constantly fighting in the streets.
He is an utter tosser and exactly the sort of bloke who makes people on the Clapham Omnibus, or it's modern equivalent, think "Yeah, those people DO have a lot to cope with. Perhaps they DO need more powers, more weapons, more leeway.
I lived in Cambridge for ten years; I left about two years ago. Colin posts regularly in the city newsgroup. I met him only once, briefly, at a monthly cam.misc pub meet, but read his posts on a regular basis for many years.
I'm not particularly informed about his political views, so I can't comment on that matter, but as a person, he has always seemed to me to be a decent bloke; civil, intelligent and considerate. I was happy he was a councillor.
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