Conservative Way Forward has today published a new transport policy paper titled STOP THE WAR ON DRIVERS. Written by transport expert and former Borough Engineer Malcolm Heymer, it contains some fairly radical proposals each of which seeks to give more power back to the car driver. Unfortunately, its more sensible headline proposals are bound to be obscured by some which, on the face of it, seem to be distinctly odd, to say the very least. The paper calls for the scrapping of...
* Speed cameras (no - only ones that are cash cows)
* Bus lanes that reduce road capacity (only if they directly cause congestion)
* 40mph and 50mph speed limits for HGVs (open minded on this one)
* Tolls on the Dartford Crossing (should have happened years ago)
* Obstructive road calming schemes (yes, but with some exceptions)
* Road user charging schemes (disagree - M6 toll road works very well)
* Maximum parking standards in new developments
* Any form of technology that takes decisions away from the driver (need clarification)
* Urban cycle lanes (disagree, but need to read their reasoning)
In addition they call for...
* A surge of spending on trunk roads and the motorway network (an increase, not a surge)
* An 80mph speed limit on motorways
* A return to the 85th percentile principle in speed limit setting (no idea what this is)
* Vehicle activated signs on the approaches to hazards, rather than speed cameras
* Positive licence points for advanced driver training (open minded)
* Shared-space traffic calming schemes where appropriate (no idea what this means)
Unfortunately the full pdf document doesn't seem to be on their website. I haven't read it in full yet, but I have highlighted in green the ones I would agree with 100% and given further comments in brackets.
I am a particualr fan of vehicle activated signs rather than speed cameras as they are far more effective in persuading drivers to reduce their speed on an approach to a dangerous piece of road or a village.
So, which of these suggestions meet with your approval or disapproval?
UPDATE: The full document can be read