South London
North London
And from the archives, South West, South East, West Midlands, Wales, North of England, East Anglia, North West. We'll be doing Yorkshire, East Midlands and the South next.
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
"Iain does Scotland".......it seems "the industry" is scraping a bit low in the barrel, eh?
The main "battleground" is always the economy and Brown's lost it already according to these guys:
Enjoyed the "Scotland" analysis---he knows his stuff.
One minor pedantic point. It was Malcolm MacMillan who was the Labour MP for the Western Isles for many years--not Malcolm MacDonald (who played for Newcastle I think). A slip of the tongue.
Haven't watched them yet but the others have been excellent - best programmes on 18DS!
Great News. This has been a very good series and I am looking forward to watching the new ones, particularly Scotland.
Curse ye Dale.
Other than a brief flirtation with an especially hopeless local Conservative branch in the '90s I've never really engaged with the nitty-gritty of politics at the sharp end, but I find the EB programmes strangly fascinating so it looks like another late night.
All credit to Mr Waller, who as anon@10:47 says, makes what could be a very dull subject interesting, a bit like Royal Institution Xmas lectures for politics, and (extreme OBN risk) yourself for taking the chance on doing the series.
Should I seek professional help?
A nice arcane discussion about the seat i live and work in - Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland. The reason it is called East Cleveland and not Cleveland East, is that East Cleveland is a distinctly named sub-region of this rural part of Teesside. There is a East Cleveland Hospital, a newspaper - the East Cleveland Advertiser - and a large number of businessses using East Cleveland in their title. The Boundary Commissioner noted thi, and wisely agreed that it would be the use of 'Cleveland East' that would be odd in the circumstances.
I watched the Scotland one- an interesting and enjoyable programme but a bit of a boob re Angus, Monifieth and Carnoustie are in Dundee East not Angus for Westminster. To try and pronouce the Western Isles in gaelic is NA HAIL EN EN AN YAR
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