This is the last post on this blog ever..... in 2006! We're off to Brighton to have dinner with a friend and see in the New Year. Hope you all have a great evening and an even better 2007.
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
The final payments today to the United States and Canada, are $83.25m and $22.7m respectively. Part of me thinks these loans should have been reassigned to Germany as soon as the Witschaftswunder was underway...
Despite public concerns about Hizb ut-Tahrir's perceived extremism, Home
Office lawyers, the Foreign Office and representatives of the Association of
Chief Police Officers have quietly lobbied against outlawing the group and have,
for now, won the argument."If there was evidence for proscribing Hizb ut-Tahrir,
we would support a move to proscribe it," said Rob Beckley, Acpo lead for
communities and counter-terrorism. "But we think such a move would be
counter-productive and not in the spirit of the government's [anti-terrorism]
legislation. It is not an offence to hold extreme views."
Constituents of Luton Labour MP Margaret Moran will no doubt have been delighted to receive Christmas cards from her, albeit they all had a 2006 calendar on the back of them, which had been struck through with a felt pen. I wonder who paid for these cards - Margaret Moran or you, the poor bloody taxpayer. Whoever it was should be demanding their money back.
UPDATE: A correspondent writes: From www.theyworkforyou.com in 2004-5 Margaret Moran had the 2nd highest expenses of any MP (£168,567)(despite having a constituency local to London and therefore low travel). Her postal expenses that year were £35,347, the 4th highest of all MPs".
Wonder why that could be then.
Oh dear, the Dour One seems to have got it wrong, doesn't he? Very unlike him to pay no attention to detail. I wonder if the likes of Ryan Air will now see this as payback time...
UPDATE: I particualrly like this comment from one of my readers... "If people really cared, they would send in tax payments for all their past flights."
1 Would you like to see the contents of my despatch box?
2 Have you ever had a whip?
3 Hello, I’m David Mellor
4 I’ve asked Angie to join us, you don’t mind do you?
5 I’ve asked Bobby to join us, you don’t mind do you?
6 I’m so depressed about the world crisis I really don’t think I should spend tonight alone
7 In your honour I’m naming 2007 the International Year of the Babe
8 Hello, I'm Lembit Opik
9 Ever done it in the lobby?
10 You know what they say about Black Rod?
Coming soon to this blog: Top Ten Labour, LibDem and Tory chat up lines. Feel free to offer suggestions in the Comments... I may live to regret this...
UPDATE: Dave's Part blog had the Top Ten Trotskist Chat Up Lines HERE. The final four are...
4. That secondhand donkey jacket of yours would look great on my bedroom floor.
3. What's a nice girl like you doing in a lousy union fraction like this?
2. Do you sell papers here often?
1. So, babe ... just how degenerate would your ideal workers' state be?
I'm sitting in the Dr Martens Stand at Upton Park wondering the ghost of Alan Pardew which seems to be pervading Upton Park today. He gave a very gracious interview to Sky earlier in which he said he hoped one day to be able to manage the Hammers again.
Anyway, it' Alan Curbishley's time now. He has hardly changed the team but has dropped Carlos Tevez for Harewood. Mascherano doesn't get a look in again.
Most people don't give us a chance this afternoon against Man U, who are at full strength. Even a point would be a result for us - and a goal would nice!
I expect to be chanting in a few minutes "One Alan Pardew, there's only one Alan Pardew..." followed immediately by "Alan Curbishley's claret and blue army!" Fickle? Moi?
UPDATE: Oh joy, oh happy day. We haven't beaten Manchester United ever in the Premiership. It was a fantastic game today. Not a single player put in a weak performance. If only they had done the same for Alan Pardew. Lee Bowyer was particularly outstanding, as were all four defenders.
A short while ago I commented on the local Labour Party selection
scrap between sitting MPs Hazel Blears, Barbara Keeley and Ian Stewart. I’ve
just read on a comment on LabourHome that Barbara Keeley has
received the Labour nomination for the new Worsley and
Eccles South seat. This leaves Eccles MP Stewart to
battle it out with Blairite bigwig Blears for the Salford & Eccles
nomination - a contest she has an excellent chance of losing. Is this the end of
the road for another Blairite minister?