But I knew it was too good to be true. Sure enough, this afternoon came the call that, well, sorry, but the bed isn't quite the size you ordered, Sir. Oh joy. Oh well, I thought, no matter. Six inches between friends won't hurt anyone will it, Matron? It was then that I remembered I had already ordered sheets to fit the exact size. Damn. And then came the piece de resistance. Ah Sir, came the reply, it's actually 18 inches wider than you ordered.
So it will now be another few weeks until my feet get to rest their weary selves on a mattress. Why is it that this sort of thing always happens to me?!
"Six inches between friends won't hurt anyone will it, Matron?"
Well, it depends on your friends.
I thought they were going to deliver it in three weeks - not five? (Don't people remember funny things about you, Iain!)
i'm 6ft3, and i've solved the problem with a king sized bed, lying diagonally across it. :)
that may prove a problem when i get a partner however...
Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for you!
Our Customs people are too incompetent to stop Brown fleeing the country to avoid PMQs tomorrow.
I've heard he's wearing a wig and false beard, but someone else says he's wearing a burqua - no doubt with a nappy underneath.
You're not getting this, are you? It's nothing personal, just business.
Iain Dahling, you should have told them to "foot off" and gone to John Lewis ! Pretty feet, mind, are they yours ?
But your sheets still won't fit.
Oh sheet!
What if you rotate it 90 degrees- will it be the right size then? Wasn't IKEA was it?
Have you heard of warrenevans.co.uk?
I bought one of their beds 2 years ago and have never looked back. They will build any size of bed for you you want - and, most importantly, assemble it in your bedroom for you while you sit back enjoying a gin and tonic - or a fruit juice in your case....
Too late to cancel your original order?!
Tom A
Such coruscating political comment. I'm so glad I dropped by. I think I'll go back to youtube and look for funny vidoes about cute cats.
That'll teach you for slagging off Ikea before the delivery arrived!
Yes Sorenk,
I've just had a look at your blog and you obviously need to get some inspiration from somewhere.
i am getting concerned about your lifestyle, all this talk of beds is unhealthy. Are you spending to much time in them. Are you in the cycle of going to bed later and later and getting up later and later, i think so .
I would cancel the order and have a much smaller bed with a very hard mattress. You wont want to spend as much time in it then and you can follow a healty regime.
In bed by 10. up at 6. on line complete by 7, breakfast ( small ) by 8.
This would be a much better start to the day for you. Its not what I do but I dont need help.
Will you be able to get the bed into your bedroom? Ye may titter but large beds can be a massive problem in small houses, especially if the move involves a staircase.....
We once had to sell a brand new lovely kingsize bed - the alternative would have been to swap bedroom and downstairs sittingroom in our tiny little cottage... :-)
Frankly, Iain, I'm not terribly interested in your sleeping arrangements. However, the saga reminds me of an episode in the 70s when Essex University ordered several hundred desks for their tower-block student accommodation. When they arrived (not as flat-packs!) it transpired that they wouldn't fit down the narrow corridors in the student flats, so each one had to have 3 or 4 inches sawn off its legs.
(I'm not recommending you adopt that solution!)
I'm six foot two and just bought a new longer bed so that I dont have to curl up to fit. But when I wake up in the morning I'm still curled up in the same position...
1. why is my comment page in russian?
2. Congrats on the link from Eureferendum blog
"But It's 18 Inches Too Big!"
I think I've seen the video but I wouldn't let my wife or servants see it.
Learn to sleep on the floor. It's good for your back.
It's in German tonight
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