Monday, November 16, 2009

TPA Launch New Cinema Advert

This is a new cinema advert created by the Taxpayers' Alliance. It illustrates the cost of EU membership to the UK taxpayer. I think it ought to have a caption at the end saying: "Brought to you by the people who gave you 18 Doughty Street attack ads"!


Michael Heaver said...

Not sure about the fact they only spent 6 seconds promoting the book. Still, can't complain as a eurosceptic!

Jimmy said...

A series of unsourced and rather dubious statistics against a background of avaricious swarthy looking furriners put out by a tory astroturf group with a reputation for porkies. Very edifying.

AndrewSouthLondon said...

Calm down Jimmy its time for your medication.

Local Action 4 Water said...

Taxpayer's Alliance. Is that the same Taxpayer's alliance as the one which recently turned out to have a prominent member who was not a taxpayer? Or did I dream that?

Jimmy said...

I think taxpayers' alliance is one of those ironic names, like German Democratic Republic or Conservative Centre for Social Justice

Unknown said...

It's pathetic (and the "book" is completely bonkers). The TPA are of course a Tory front and are increasingly being exposed as that. And, like the Tories, are funded by ex-pats who live abroad and don't pay tax!