Friday, November 13, 2009

Quote of the Day: Margaret Beckett

You’d never get through a bill on electoral reform before a general election.
No-one in their right mind would think that you could.

Margaret Beckett


waymore said...

Hardly quote of the moment, much less of the day. Try again, Mr Dale.

ScotsToryB said...

Reference please.


Anonymous said...

Is the reference labours cunning plan to get more votes by extending the franchise to 16 year olds?

Striaght from all the trendy left wing teachers union propaganda into the polling station.

Could backfire they also get a lot of 'Green' propoganda. Could benefit the Greens as much as Labour.

Mirtha Tidville said...

`No one in their right mind` Broon thinks he can!!!!!!

Tapestry said...

....especially as the whole strategy now is to rig the election with postal vote fraud and ensure a hung parliament keeps a eurosceptic Cameron from a clear majority.

With Ken Clarke talking of a hung Parliament it is now clear how the anti-democrats will proceed next.

Unknown said...

"....especially as the whole strategy now is to rig the election with postal vote fraud and ensure a hung parliament keeps a eurosceptic Cameron from a clear majority.

With Ken Clarke talking of a hung Parliament it is now clear how the anti-democrats will proceed next."

Lol - don't be so silly. Rigging the elction with postal votes - that might work in a third world country like Scotland - hardly relevant in leafy swing seats where incapacity benefit is a rarity, not the norm.

Anonymous said...


It is nothing to do with incapacity.
Postal votes are used as block votes by 'community leaders'

leaders of communities that mostly vote labour.