The latest edition of the Seven Days Show is now online. In this week's episode the raffish Sir Jonathan Sheppard talks to me, the distinctly posh Iain Campbell-Dale, about the last seven days in politics.
In this week's edition we discuss Zac Goldsmith; being posh and whether “Tory Toff” attacks will succeed; localism and direct democracy and whether such an aim is ever achievable; issues in the NHS; UKIP and the election of their new leader; and an exclusive as to whether I made it onto the Beckenham shortlist after Daniel Poulter's selection in Suffolk (short answer is, no I didn't - that bit's at about 20 mins in); and what a waste of time Early Day Motions are.
To listen to the podcast click HERE, or you can also subscribe to the show in the Tory Radio section in the podcast area of Itunes.
Iain Dale's Diary was a lot more interesting when it was emptier.
OT but v interesting?
A very interesting comment by the Tory shadow climate change secretary was reported in the daily mail regarding his opposition to Nick Griffin MEP attending the Copenhagen summit.
He stated that Griffin should not be allowed to attend because "he is not a believer", now this statement is very revealing on the current mindset of the Tory high command and shows us that those in charge of Tory policy in that area have no interest or desire to examine the climate gate scandal or even issue a statement of intent to mount a quality control audit of the 'science' so far delivered.
Perhaps you might want to ask Greg Clark about his remark, he seems to think that only believers should get to decide policies that will have a massive impact on our lives and could well ruin the UK entirely.
Mr Clarks mind should be open and inquiring and sceptical and always with a mind for seeing the entire picture, it looks like Gregs mind is truly welded shut in the manner of a religious cult.
Calling the tory a toff doesn't stack up very well when the Labour candidate is the previous MP's daughter as per Crewe. And mock amateur dramatics with Labour activists dressing up never has either . . .
Nepotism vs Old School Tie?
But when Chameleon had a front bench which was HALF Old Etonian or Bullingdoneven he realised that he would have to mend his ways.
But his fellow Etonian and multi millionaire Zac Goldsmith may well be a toff too far. He and Chameleon were both busted at Eton, they really DO have too much in common.
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