From now on, BBC1 is to be rebranded DAVE. And here's the programme schedule for Day One*...
6am The Big Breakfast with Eric Pickles
10.00am Bargain Jeremy Hunt
10.30am This Morning with Ann & Nick Winterton
11.30am Grumpy Old Tories with Sir Peter & Sir Patrick
12.00noon The Saint and Dominic Grievesey
1.00pm Fox News with Liam and Jesme
1.30pm Keith & Mrs Simpson
2.00pm The Darling Buds of Theresa May
2.30pm Just William Hague
3.00pm The Graham Brady Bunch
3.30pm Biker Gove with PJ & Alan Duncan
4.00pm Skippy the George W Bush Kangaroo
4.15pm Blue Peter with Richard Bacon
4.30pm Bill Cash in the Attic
5.00pm The Weakest Spink
5.30pm The ToryTubbies with Nicholas Soames
6.00pm Judge John Reid
6.30pm How do you solve a problem like Maria Miller?
7.00pm IainDale Farm
9.00pm Liddington Britain
9.30pm I’m a Conservative, Get me out of Here
10.00pm The Ten O'Clock News with Nadine Dorries
10.30pm Bluesnight, presented by Paul Goodman
11.20 The George Osbornes
10.30pm Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Isaby
11.00pm Blue Dwarf
11.30pm Michael Howard’s Way
12.00 Conservative Love Island hosted by Ann Widdecombe & John Hayes
1.00am John Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)
1.30am Candid Cameron
If you can think of any more to include in the schedules, leave them in the comments!
* based on a blogpost published on this blog in August 2006.