Tuesday, July 01, 2008

June Statporn

June traffic was 10% down on May, which was by far and away the best month for traffic on the blog since I started it. However, year on year, absolute uniques were up 32% to 64,396.

Absolute Unique Visitors
June 2008 64,396 - June 2007 43,273 - May 2008 71,877


June 2008 303,980 - June 2007 222,281 - May 2008 - 375,755

Page Loads
April 2008 407,692 June 2007 339,681 - April 2008 588,715

Here are my top 20 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for June, according to Google Analytics.

1. +1 ConservativeHome 19,702 (28,696)
2. -1 Guido Fawkes 28,999 (28,499)
3. - Spectator Coffee House 11,572 (13,189)
4. +1 Politics Home 9,088 (10,033)
5. -1 PoliticalBetting 8,349 (11,870)
6. - Daniel Finkelstein & Red Box 3,706 (6,627)
7. - Dizzy Thinks 3,088 (5,028)
8. +1 Boulton & Co 2,202 (2,058)
9. +2 Ben Brogan 1,760 (1,406)
10. -2 NHS Blog Doctor 1,581 (2,906)
11. NEW EU Referendum 1,094 (NEW)
12. +8 Bloggerheads 914 (654)
13. NEW Recess Monkey 896 (NEW)
14. -2 Telegraph Blogs 890 (1,245)
15. -5 Biased BBC 860 (1,496)
16. +1 Devil's Kitchen 843 (767)
17. -3 Daily Referendum 690 (954)
18. - Archbishop Cranmer 681 (681)
19. -3 Chris Paul 690 (818)
20. -4 UK Polling Report 632 (1,032)

Source: All figures are from Google Analytics including those from previous months. These figures replace those I had previously used until a few months ago which came from Extreme Tracking.com, who do not count Absolute Uniques.


Anonymous said...

Iain, next time you do this can you also publish a list of the most amusing phrases people type into google to get to your webpage? That's always good for a laugh.

Roger Thornhill said...

June Statporn?

Doesn't she present that show on MTV?

Anonymous said...


Paul said...

Erm... am I missing something or are the top two messed up?

Or is it just that those coming from Conservative Home are a better sort of reader than those from Guido?

Anonymous said...

1. +1 ConservativeHome 19,702 (28,696)
2. -1 Guido Fawkes 28,999 (28,999)

Does not compute.

Anonymous said...

How do you manage to make ConservativeHome first when you have more hits via Guido?

Iain Dale said...

Sorry - I mistyped Guido's figure. Now corrected.

Anonymous said...

Iain, you would have much more traffic if you could find the time to update the comments more frequently.

Guido's traffic has shot up since he switched off comment moderation a few weeks ago. Yours would if you were to do the same, though I realise that it is a bit of a chore deleting 'unsuitable' comments.

Anonymous said...

iain, why not outsource OK-ing your comments? say, to an indian or chinese student? i'm not kidding. read 4-hour working week!

Anonymous said...

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."

Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

I do not care for the obscene picture that pops up on my screen every time my curser strays over your total politics heading.