ConservativeHome publishes the first ten names on the A List Top up today,
HERE. I'm delighted to see Jessica Lee and Tracey Crouch on it - Jessica worked for me at
Politico's many years ago and is now a barrister and Tracey was my predecessor as David Davis's Chief of Staff. Good to see Dominic Schofield and John Glen on the list also. Dominic scored one of the biggest swings in the country last time in Battersea. I realy hope he fights it again. Tim Montgomerie reckons the top up is only 50 strong, which might account for the slowness in the names emerging. I had thought it was because most of the new names would be people recently appointed to the wider candidates list, and therefore not yet plugged in to the candidates 'gossip circuit'.
As an aside, I did enjoy Umbongo's comment in the previous A List thread:
"Apropos of the ever-expanding list, the only thing that comes immediately to mind is "if everybody's somebody, nobody's anybody."
The A-list has clearly been abandoned 'on the quiet'. This is right and good.
Cranmer is delighted to see Danny Kruger's name now included. He is a man of supreme intellect and committed faith; an enormous asset to the Party. And it is a just recompense for his appalling treatment at the last election.
You mean you didn't immediately phone everyone you knew, probing for information about who was "on" and who was "off" until you had sussed it out??? My, you have been out of school a long time.
I notice a certain Iain Dale on the list- LOL- you are being so modest in not mentioning that!
DS for Battersea!! Yep- if he stands there again, the Conservatives can write that in for a gain.
Now Iain, where would you like to stand? upfront now! Just avoid LibDem marginals...LOL
Conservative Home have got it wrong. I obtained the real list from another blog. The real list of the top 10 is as follows.
phone cam foolery.
Iain Dale
Annunziata Rees-Mogg (PPC Aberavon, 2005)
Kelly Brook.
Lenny Henry.
Dawn French.
I have been overlooked yet again. Whinney Banks Secondary Modern doesn't have the same 'ring' as Eton apparantly.
John Glen would be excellent
The headline of this article neatly describes the 'blogosphere'.
strapworld (cc Dave C), as deeply honoured as I am by inclusion in the Tory A-list, I am afraid my status as a Canadian, an anarchal communist and an ex-Greenpeacer require me to decline. I feel confident that the party will recover from this loss and soldier on somehow.
I do hate Blair, though. Good call there.
Due to his deceased state, Cranmer is unlikely to make the A-list, honoured as he is to be among such charismatic luminaries as Dawn French and Lenny Henry.
Cranmer used to be a somebody, but those who thought they were more than anybody turned him into a nobody.
strapworld 10.52
Thank you, your peerage will be despatched immediately on receipt of your remittance :-)
Cranmer! What am I, chopped liver???
Is A is for arselicker?
usual tot of rum?
Annunziata Rees-Mogg. There's a name that's made the grade entirely on her own merits, I'm sure.
As an occasional poster here, can I suggest that Cranmer starts his own blog? He's consistently amusing.
And being dead hasn't stopped Mr Fawkes.
I don't want Schofield back in Battersea, his ultra-conservative social values (think more Tebbit than Cameron) and his dripping Euro-federalism would make me vote UKIP...again.
As an occasional poster here, can I suggest that Cranmer starts his own blog? He's consistently amusing.
Mr Dale,
Please permit me a little blog-pimping to inform your highly intelligent and discerning correspondent Splashitallover that Cranmer already has his own blog, and that it is consistently amusing and is already world-renowned for its religio-political
Thanks awfully.
strapworld said...
usual tot of rum?
10:33 PM
Yo Ho Ho!
I told you and Mr. Dale not to make jokes about Blair staying on, that the imbecile would run with it, and now look what's happened!
The only way to recompense us is to do a thing about Emily found hanging from Gordy's bannisters by a pair of Jowell's pantaloons, clutching half an orange whilst sniffing Dubya's picture!
You bad boys! :-)
"If Everybody's Somebody, Nobody's Anybody" - which is exactly how it should have been from the start.
sammy the sailor said...
strapworld said...
usual tot of rum?
10:33 PM
Yo Ho Ho!
I told you and Mr. Dale not to make jokes about Blair staying on, that the imbecile would run with it, and now look what's happened!
The only way to recompense us is to do a thing about Emily found hanging from Gordy's bannisters by a pair of Jowell's pantaloons, clutching half an orange whilst sniffing Dubya's picture!
You bad boys! :-)
3:52 PM
In hindsight make that a barrel of Mount Gay Sugar Cane Brandy and a dozen fresh milky coconuts. The gargoyle can bring the lot back in her make up bag.
In hindsight my previous suggestion won't run, too probable.
How about 'Prime Minister attacked by great white shark whilst swimming in the Caribbean!'.......
Nah, won't work either, no self respecting great white, regardless of hunger would go within 5 miles of him.
Did you know that sharks have a tremendous sense of smell?'
Yo Ho Ho!
This is worth a read, says what we say but posh like.;jsessionid=XVA112AJ2K42HQFIQMFCFF4AVCBQYIV0?xml=/opinion/2006/08/06/do0603.xml
ol' timer, what are you talking about? It doesn't mention me in that article.
sammy, I like your style! Remind me to do something bribe-worthy, okay?
Yes, Cranmer is a blogger of ye olde school, up there with Chaucer and, along with Chaucer, I would read it regularly if only I could wrap my thick head around it.
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