My God, 24 hours without me posting something new on the blog. Don't panic.
As you know from the post below, yesterday I tootled up the M1 yesterday to Loughborough to be the after dinner speaker at the Conservative Future Working Life Training Conference. I know it’s not everybody’s idea of a fun way to spend your Saturday night but I actually enjoyed it. The Conservative Party seems to be attracting a new generation one that is not its ‘Tory boy’ past, but a bit more ‘Tory girl’ future.
It is striking that CF has not only pulled off an event for people under the age of 35 who are beyond their student years, but have brought together a range of talented women who are setting out in their careers and are interested in becoming involved with the Party.
David Cameron would be proud of the theme this year ‘Getting Ahead of the Game' and judging by the people who attended, and what they said about the conference the organisers did a pretty good job. It’s great to see so many new young (female) faces in CF.
My visit brought back memories from the last time I attended a Conservative event at Loughborough - the 1986 FCS conference which resulted Norman Tebbit banning the organisation. I remember well my horror at waking up at 3am in the morning to hear my door being kicked in! Thankfully my night's sleep remained undistrubed this time.
A genuine highlight of the evening was sitting next to the glorious (but quite mad!) Amelia Blower at dinner. Among the pearls of wisdom she treated me to were: "I always wanted to be a chicken-sexer you know".
Thanks to all of you who contributed ideas for my Top Ten List of Things Which Would Be Different if DD Had Become Leader. Here's the final version - and remember, this is fun, humorous and not to be taken seriously - anyone tempted to have a sense of humour failure should look away now...
10. Iain Dale would have been on the A List first time around (or perhaps not!)
9. The Daily Telegraph writes supportive articles
8. ConservativeHome shut down for insubordination
7. Mandatory blue stripy ties for all members of the Shadow Cabinet
6. Leader travels to work in a Vulcan Bomber followed by Lear Jet carrying leaders’ shoes and brief case
5. Free Broken Nose Jobs on the NHS
4. No more compulsory Eton education for Leader’s Office staff
3. Shadow Home Secretary David Cameron instructed to introduce Mug a Hoodie policy
2. Jamie Oliver tasked with providing school meal recipes containing Chocolate Oranges.
1. New Shadow Secretary of State for Fashion appointed to introduce compulsory wearing of It’s DD for Me T Shirts at all CF events – for men
Five and Six made me laugh out loud :)
Amelia Blower seems a good sort Perhaps some advice on Deed Polls and name changes would be in order?
Sounds like she's some sort of.....fan?
Tory Girl, huh? Will we be getting a Guido style "totty report" on the event?
"I always wanted to be a chicken-sexer you know"
Ah, and who among us cannot say the same? Was she checking out your serving while making this remark? Given the demographics, it's quite possible you were the totty.
Sorry to be serious but I have thought for some time that the answer to the question "What would have been different if DD had won?" was: very little.
Amelia Blower. Not sure if "A. Blower" will get the right sort of media coverage we are looking for! However, interesting observation that she was "totally mad"...surely an unnecessary and superfluous comment given her observed ambition to play with chicken's naughty bits - if that’s not a tautology I'm not sure what is.
Iain - What do you think the chances of a handsome young Tory boy pulling one of these Tory girls at Bournemouth this year? I'm asking for a friend - ;-).
Erm...before everyone gets too excited about this. Chicken sexing is done by looking at feathers.
Male chickens in certain breeds have longer wing pinfeathers than the females do, which makes them relatively easy to tell apart.
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