Did someone say there was an election due soon? My billboard poster went up today. It's in a brilliant location just as you come into Cromer. There are only 5 billboards in the whole of North Norfolk and they are all on this one location in Cromer. No doubt the Libs will slag me off for it but there's nothing to stop them having one too - it's certainly not expensive as many people might think.

Iain. You just don't get it do you mate. Local Norfolk people are conservative with a small c. They don't like narcissistic displays. Your "wonderful" posters paid, for no doubt, by wealthy Conservative millionairs tells us all we need to know about you and it echoes on your Blog site "Look at me I'm Iain Dale". I know - it makes you feel good - but think about what it does to other people. Instead of swanning off to the races, at this time, worthy though the cause is, why don't you join some of us in some hard graft?
Iain - one last point. Isn't this going to take a sizeable chunk of your election allowance being as you have linked it to the election itself?
ps What do you fancy at Fakenham Races? I've heard that Sleeping Night in the 4.25 has a big chance?
Robb, how can you ignore all the hard graft Iain has put in? Why does the fact that he is exuburant and enthusiastic get up your nose so much? How else is he supposed to let people know his commitment as he doesn't have the advantage of the incumbent? You just sound so petty and mean spirited and I know well that the people of Norfolk are gracious and open minded as well as intelligent enough to reach their own conclusions instead of engaging in petty 'class wars'. Now, are you sure you are not related to Mr. Lamb or Charles Kennedy?!
I think that when it comes to pettiness Iain takes some beating -he is so negative that he forgets that the Conservatives have policies [?]- read his Blogs to find out. Full of Narcissistic claptrap - I was genuinely shocked when I read it. And the posters are the last straw! He seems to think that Conservative policies, these days, are about attacking the other parties.[maybe they are!]or putting himself on a pedestal. Enthusiasm and exuburance are no subtitite for good judgement and inate political ability. I was in Happisburgh today and spoke to a lady that I had never met before. She has a senior role in a residential home in another part of the Constituency. Out of interest, I asked her what she thought of Norman Lamb. She said that he was wonderful and how one
evening he had driven through thick snow from London just to attend a meeting at Happisburgh church on Sea Defences - she couldn't believe his dedication. I asked her about Iain Dale and she said that she had not heard of him. She vaguely knew Mr Agnew but it turned out that this was in a different context. That is what makes Norman Lamb so extraordinarily popular - people see him as one of their own.
Now the question of who I am related to seems to fascinate you and Iain [you are different people I assume?]I can catagorically state that I have 27 cousins and not one of them is a Lamb or a Kennedy. And before you ask I am not related to Mr Agnew.
I know that Iain loves to name drop and I can say that I once spent 30 minutes in the company of the Duchess of York. And it was a fascinating conversation - I admire her greatly.
See! I told you this morning that Sleeping Night would win the 4.25 at Fakenham and it did! I guess you must have passed on the information to a lot of people because the price was shorter than expected. Hopefully now you know what it feels like to win something? [OR DID YOU IGNORE MY ADVICE?]
No, Robb, I am a lady which is why I am not rude to you though the good Lord knows you deserve it. That huge chip on your shoulder must get pretty heavy. The entire purpose of the blog is to give an entertaining account of what he is doing and to my mind it's plenty. I have never even seen my Conservative candidate and I live in Mrs. T's ex-constituency which shamefully went Labour! So if Iain's 'style' is too metropolitan for you then look behind it at the real substance. He is well informed, well meaning and utterly dedicated to this. He will make a great MP.
You sound a very nice person - you should be the Conservative candidate in North Norfolk. I suppose I should be nice to Iain -seems he can dish it out but is not so good at taking it.
Tell you what - because your so nice - I'll try to ignore him.
Iain, which one is you? That solid, country Tory on the left or the smarmy git on the right?
Good website. If you see Graham Brady (my MP) at any of your party meetings, tell him I'll vote Conservative as long as I never, ever hear of any Tory MP voting in favour of ID cards.
The one on the right
Better yet, vote for him!
What vote for a loser? It's just not my style!
PS you shouldn't encourage me - I said I'd leave the Smarmy Git alone because of the lovely lady for Finchley. Is she his cousin?
Went past the poster tonight -the cardboard cut out in your Blog picture wasn't there ?
Norman Lamb is hardly "one of us", he lives in Norwich and is a rich solicitor. Iain Dale is at least making a big effort to meet people and learn about the issues. To be honest I didn't bother voting last time, but I'll certainly give a good deal of thought into voting for Mr Dale.
Thank you!
Why is Iain so preoccupied with where Mr Lamb lives? I have checked it out - Mr Lamb has nursd the constituency for more than 10 years.Working hard his efforts were recognised by the electorate who gave him a majority of some 450 votes over David Prior who is in a different league to Iain. Mr Lamb lives on the edge of the constituency in Norwich which is convenient for travelling to Westminster and for working from the North Walsham Constituency Office. He is known and recognised from one end of the constituency to the other. No constituent has ever been inconvenienced by the fact that Mr Lamb lives just outside the constituency. It is really quite extraordinery why Iain thinks it's a major issue. He even wanted to know where I live!!!
What a loser.
I'm no Tory, but a candidate should live in the constituency. Norman Lamb won on tactical voting because Labour didn't bother contesting the constituency - but I really don't want a rich solicitor from out of the constituency being described as "one of us". He wouldn't know what poverty was if it bit him on the arse.
Don't really see that wealth comes into it - Iain is a successful businessman and is probably richer than Norman Lamb - and good luck to both of them with the whole money thing.
Also, Norman Lamb living in Norwich is actually very sensible. The constituency is 40 or 50 miles long and in terms of transport it is at least as sensible to live in Norwich. For example, few people in Fakenham have cause to go to Cromer or North Walsham much and it is a slog - links to and from Norwich are much easier.
Finally, I think Iain also has a home in Kent and only bought a little house in Swanton Abbott when he was selected so he is being a bit naughty saying he is "local".
Iain has just lost the Conservatives the safest ward in the whole constituancy. A ward that had been Conservative in most peoples living memory - it takes a rare genius to do that. He is obsessed with where Norman Lamb lives. He is so obsessed that it seems to be the main plank of his political philosophy. Let me explain something about being an MP because I have two friends who are MP's and one who used to be an MP. What happens is this. They set up a constituency office that is accessable to as many people as possible. Then they have regular surgeries in the main areas of the constituency. They also visit people in their own homes whenever necessary. They deal with correspondence from their Constituency office. Very few MPs would meet constituents in their family homes. I understand that Norman Lamb has a fantastic record of being available to his constituents. So Iain, grow up - stop the bitchieness and get on with leading the Tory party properly [and not from Fakenham Racecourse!].
I have a slogan for your billboard poster. How about " The man who lost the Conservatives the safest ward in the Constituency".
How much money did you receive from Lord Ashcroft. Did he pay for your billboard either directly or indirectly? If you did get money from him [on the quiet as it were]do you have to do, and say, what Lord Ashcroft wants, or do Conservative Central Office run things. It's all a bit murkey to me - but I'm just a Norfolk Country Boy [well old man really.] You have got to ask, are you one of Ashcrofts party or are you a Conservative. I mean if he has given you or the local party money [and I am asking the question] people are entitle to ask why and what for what the motives? Who will they be voting for Ashcroft or Conservative? I know that it is a difficult question but it would be good to get a simple answer. Oh yes and who pays the mysterious Lady F - because it seems like she isn't being paid enough given all her comittments. [Bet you agree to that eh Lady F? - I'm still thinking about your proposal.]
Why do you feel the need the wrap yourself in the cross of St. George?
BTW our local (Tory) MP lives just outside his constituency. To my knowledge the local Lib Dems have not made an issue of this.
Sure, if the MP lives hours away I would be worried, but just over the border?
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