Friday, March 12, 2010

Was It Something Charles Clarke Said?

Yesterday Ed Balls visited the Labour marginal of Great Yarmouth and the Conservative marginal of Norwich North. Three weeks ago, Gordon Brown did the same.

However, neither of them visited the neighbouring Labour marginal of Norwich South, held by Charles Clarke. Do you think it was something he said?

Just askin'


Max Atkinson said...

Punishment, presumably, for what he said just after they lost the Norwich North by-election last Summer - and what he wouldn't say about Gordon Brown before that, details and a hilarious video clip of which can be enjoyed at

Sean said...

I suspect Charles Clarke was keeping them out as a process of damage limitation.

Walsingham's Ghost said...

Charles who?...

................................. said...

To be fair, if they really wanted to do him in at the election, they WOULD have visited his constituency...!

Anonymous said...

i would have thought if brown and balls wanted to damage clarke they would both camp out in his constituency until polling day....?
it is almost impossible to think of a double act more likely to destroy his re-election chances than liar brown and his mini me balls.

Paul Burgin said...

Put it this way, would you. If you were in Brown or Balls' place! Given how Clarke has been about them, whatever the rights and wrongs it would be awkward. You'd wonder if you were welcome!

Not a sheep said...

I would imagine Charles Clarke is rather grateful to miss out on Gordon Brown and Ed Balls' 'support'. Can you imagine being 'glad handed' by either of those two, you'd really want some antiseptic wipes afterwards.

Cynic said...

With Ball's and Brown's personalities I think not visiting constitutes support

Moriarty said...

@walsingham's ghost

I was going to help by identifying him as the New Labour public-school educated former minister hypocrite.

Then I realised that would hardly help....

GBN said...

It now appears that Ed Balls is not only snubbing Charles Clark but is condoning racism in schools as well.

Great to know he's being touted as Gordon Brown's replacement in some quarters.

Vicky Ford said...

I was in Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft and Suffolk Coastal yesterday. Its a long way from London but on the frontline with where our energy may come from. A new Sizewell and the new offshore wind development that wculd produce 5x a neclear power station.

It was extremely interesting what the local quangos and councils told me about central governments failure to promote our Eastern Sea Ports when it comes to jobs related to off shore energy. They have let some of them off the map altogether....

We are a small island and need to make sure that if jobs are to be created in the North Sea we get our fair share. Im not a lover of quangos but thank god our our local councils and candidate are makings sure some talk sense.

Vicky Ford MEP