"Charlie Whelan is the very epitome of the forces of hell that was so vividly set upon the hapless Chancellor of the Exchequer that he complained about. Frankly you can't really, if you have a moral compass, you can't have it pointing to Whelan."
Eric Pickles, speaking to
Tory Radio
I see the Tories are concerned about unions funding third party activities and want it to show on Labour election exspenses.
There is at least 3 union sponsored days of action by the UAF and many more by other groups all sponsored by unions in Barking alone.
Do you think they should be counted against Mrs Hodges expenses?
As I have long said, Gordon Brown's "Moral Compass" was demagnetised years ago.
Probably about the time he was a Marxist.
Epitome is not spelt epitomy.
The borrowing is likely to exceed forecast. So the quote of YEAR should be "We are borrowing nearly £4B a WEEK".
I look forward to your updates regarding the ASHcroft investigation.
are you going to blog from the committee room ?
I just hope i can keep up with the updates.
goldenballs: "are you going to blog from the committee room ?"
I think we all assumed you'd be in the committee room.
How else do they get their tea?
Iain, can we have a list of the 145 Unite sponsored MPs and their constituencies. Like to see if Labour have given Unite special access to Labours safest seats. Well Unite would want to get value for the Taxpayers money given to Unite by Labour.
The Today Programme resumed coverage of Lord Ashcroft this morning to divert attention from Unite's involvement with the Labour Party. I expect this will go on until the BA dispute is resolved.
If the Tories win the election, they need to sort out the blatant bias of the BBC. In the meantime it would be interesting to publish a little background information on BBC producers and editors.
Epitome. And the BBC deciding to go on Ashcroft? That particular thorn has to be crushed by Cameron.
If the BBC want to talk about non-doms they should get a tax lawyer on the program, instead of all the innuendo from their various political "journalists".
As far as I understand it Ashcroft hasn't broken any laws, and the HMR&C would be down on him like a ton of bricks if he had.
If you are a non-dom you pay £30k p.a. flat tax or you pay UK tax on the actual foreign earnings, and then full UK tax on all UK earnings.
If he were to donate money from his offshore earnings to the Tories, those donations would be taxed on a remmitance basis.
Instead of prattling on about this the BBC should do some digging on the former Chancellor's handling of the defence budget and the porkies he told Chilcott.
Don't hold your breath.
Does anyone else find it astonishing -astonishing! -that the Ashcroft papers were leaked to the BBC and not to Tom Bradby at ITN?
Moriarty said...
"Does anyone else find it astonishing -astonishing! -that the Ashcroft papers were leaked to the BBC and not to Tom Bradby at ITN?"
I wonder if they were leaked or if they were stolen? or is it the same thing? I suppose to the BBC that distinction depends of whether it's someone they like, such as the CRU, or someone they hate, like the Tories.
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