Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unite Behind Gordon!


spencer said...

I like a man in a uniform, but I draw the line at Gordon.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - does this mean the election is going to turn into a photoshop massacre

Anonymous said...

Yes Gordon certainly seems to be backing the UNION rank and file over this!

Anonymous said...

Got any answers on the radio. The BBC are trying to protray the BA cabin staff as poor downtrodden low paid exploited workers.

We will get the same lies if after the election the unions keep their promis to try to bring down the Tory government.

Tapestry said...

Uniform needs a Hammer and Sickle motif.

Anonymous said...

The best thing yet heard on the strike was some bloke from BA talking about flying without cabin crew. He reckoned contractors could stock up the plane with snacks before takeoff and passengers could help themselves.

Yeah right.
News From The Air Strike

David Boothroyd said...

Please tell me when David Cameron, or any other leading Tory, has called on BA management to make a reasonable offer to its workforce so that the dispute could be settled.

If Cameron put pressure on Willie Walsh, wouldn't it be more likely that BA settle? But he won't do it because he's stuck in the past.

Iain Dale said...

David, Willie walsh has already made a perfectly reasonable offer. The union's reactionn was to name strike dates.

I hope that BA plays hardball now and doesn;t give in to a union which clearly wants it to go belly up.

The flight attendants who strike frankly deserve what they get.

David Boothroyd said...

Well well well, the Tories are not interested in helping travellers, they just want to play politics and stoke the dispute. Willie Walsh could stop it today if he wanted, so why isn't Cameron telling him to?

Unsworth said...

'Unite Behind Gordon'? As are the Teamsters.

Iain Dale said...

Hilarious, even by your standards. The way to help passengers is for the strikers to go back to work. It has nothing to do with David Cameron. it is a matter between BA and its workforce.

Jimmy said...

"The flight attendants who strike frankly deserve what they get."

Do you mean the 11k (gross) basic pay, suspension for having the wrong friends on Facebook, or the sack?