David Morton is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Dagenham & Rainham. At least that's what it says on their national website. The trouble is, the text says he is Liberal Democrat candidate for Pudsey. On the Dagenham & Rainham page it says...
David moved to Leeds after university for his first job and has lived there ever since. He considers it his home more so than his birthplace.
He grew up in Whitehaven in Cumbria and moved to Durham for 3 years to study Theology. He enjoys live music, reading science fiction and the cinema.
David is delighted to have been selected as the Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Pudsey in the next General Election and he will be a strong local campaigner.
I am sure that will go down very well among the citizens of Dagenham & Rainham! #libdemfail
I doubt the good burghers of Pudsey or Dagenham & Rainham want to elect a bloody Jam Eater.
I'm surprised to hear there is an actual place called Pudsey. I thought that was the name of a BBC bear?
As none of these places mean anything to me, being in places like Essex which are essentially "off the side" of normal Britain, I don't feel involved enough to comment here.
However, I am surprised you still feel an involvement Iain, as I thought you wanted on promotion to be known as Lord Dale of Tunbridge Wells and your Essex-ness therefore firmly left behind?
>>I'm surprised to hear there is an actual place called Pudsey. I thought that was the name of a BBC bear?
As none of these places mean anything to me, being in places like Essex which are essentially "off the side" of normal Britain, I don't feel involved enough to comment here.<<
You seem as confused as your candidate.
Pudsey is in West Yorkshire. And quite real.
As for your comments about "normal", are you some kind of inverted snob, or was that merely liberal humour ?
Dangerously close to glass houses and all that, methinks. Didn't you want to represent East Surrey, Suffolk Coastal and Bracknell? You were totally committed to each of them, as I recall.
This looks like a simple mistake by the person updating the website. Basic courtesy would excuse the candidate, who will have no idea about the error.
You're a better person than that, Iain. Remember that...
As a Pudsey resident I must agree with dandy Simon Harley ... no Jameaters please marra.
only UKIP can save Pudsey from the Lib-Lab-CON
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