If you are thinking: why has he posted a picture of Ed Vaizey?, read THIS. Then I am sure you will come up with a suitably tasteful caption.
PS May I apologise for the weak joke earlier. Promise it won't happen again. Put it down to low blood sugar levels... where's a lemon lucozade when you need one?!
"Bill Clinton had to hold his hands here to keep Monica; I have to keep them here to keep it down...."
EV- "Now I can cope with both my wife and Esther McVey (again)"
Have you been at the Viagra eye drops again ED? You look hard.
Mark Pritchard MP asks Ed for one of his herbals for next time he meets this lady.
Tory MP accused of covering over embaressing cock-up
"I'm sorry, but after yesterday I have to stand like this"
(This was my husband's suggestion - I find this kind of thing too hard!!)
"Would the lady in the mauve dress from row D of the audience for this month's recording of The Wright Show please come to Lost Property to collect her tub of itching powder."
Or, perhaps...
"Bloody hell, David Milliband's let himself go..."
The only stiff Ed has is in his upper lip. :)
Re the PS
I thought the joke b4 was quite funny - it's already been e-mailed to several acquaintances.
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