Thursday, January 24, 2008

Caroline Flint: It Could Be You

I'm told Gordon Brown called Caroline Flint in to see him this morning. Was it to ask her to join the Cabinet? No doubt we'll soon know. I was at university with Caroline. We had an, er, frosty relationship. She wasn't quite as glam then as she is now. Nice to see a UEA girl doing good, though! If she is indeed promoted to the Cabinet I think she will the the first Cabinet Minister to have graduated from there. Up to now, Selina Scott is UEA's most famous graduate I think...

UPDATE 4pm: It's James Purnell. I knew I shouldn't have taken a punt!


Anonymous said...


Caroline Flint is glam?

Maybe if you've got your beer goggles on.

She has a gap between her teeth you could drive a bus through and she talks out of the side of her mouth like a London cabbie.

Rough, rough, rough....

Anonymous said...

Is she the one who turned you.

scott redding said...

Dr Germ got her phd from UEA ... most of "The Fast Show" ... Ian McEwan ... elite women at the Beeb (Jane Root, Jenny Abramsky). Be proud!

Anonymous said...

Baroness Amos? and Lord Strathclyde is in the shadow cabinet.

Anonymous said...

there is already one UEA graduate in the shadow cabinet, Lord Strathclyde...

Newmania said...

There have been one or two suggestions that she might be due for something. As the woman who destroyed the English Pub she would be fitting addition to this bossy booted administration.
I have to admit I probably would let Flint snog me on a first date but she has severe competition from the younger up and coming


“Her nipples were still up and full, pointing out at him like angry missiles.” , from “ A Kept Woman” via the Sun


Yak40 said...

Broon could rehabilitate Galloway, he's available, for a while.
Can't get any Respect now or something.

Anonymous said...

Caroline Flint's default position for relationships is "frosty". Nadine (Who I love) has had words with her of late and Flint is by any account, a piece of work. Did she not have the faint glimmer of a feathery moustache, and did she not say of one colleague recently, "I'll piss you out of the window"

Paul Linford said...

Is she brainy enough for the DWP?

Alex said...

Don't know about UEA graduates, but is she the first with a degree in film studies.

Ye gods, not only do they give out crap degrees, but noe they let the recipients into the Cabinet.

Anonymous said...

The elocution lessons didn't really work, did they? Personally, I thought her cockney twang was at least more honest.

Anonymous said...

God help us,she is 'orrible.

Anonymous said...

She is 'orroble. Any relation to Larry?

Sir Dando Tweakshafte said...

Surely the fragrant Mrs Cooper-Balls will slide gracefully along the Cabinet Table to take Hain's still-warm seat?

Anonymous said...

re UAE alumni.

Dont forget "Dr. Rihab Rashid Taha al-Azawi (born 1957) is an Iraqi microbiologist who worked in Saddam Hussein's biological weapons program. A 1999 report commissioned by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) named her as one of the world's most dangerous women. [1] (pdf; p. 20) She was nicknamed "Dr. Germ" by UN weapons inspectors. Dr Taha has admitted producing germ warfare agents, but said they had been destroyed. "

She got her PhD at UEA in 1984 and is responsible for many thousands of deaths in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Of course Selina Scott was famous for her prowess on the pool table in Union House... Balls all over the place, I heard.

Anonymous said...

It's Purnell, not the ghastly Flint

Anonymous said...

Listening to her is like being nagged by the wife .

Anonymous said...

still a cabinet vacancy at Culture then. Purnell will not be best pleased about this as he will have found CMS far more to his liking than dowdy old work and pensions

Anonymous said...

Is it just a coincidence that this all happened on the day that the government announced plans to let police hold terror suspects for up to 42 days without charge?

Maybe they are trying to sneak it through while the MSM is excited about hain...

Oscar Miller said...

Has Purnell got the Welsh Secretary job as well? He is, after all, an expert at being in two places at once.

Anonymous said...

Purnell has not been appointed Secretary of State for Wales, according to Gallery News

Richard said...

Ah, but couldn't Flint be the new Culture Secretary? A nice irony, at least.

Anonymous said...

Caroline Flint does NOT have a sense of humour.
Not at all. Dour and moody.

She's so annoying - especially when she wears her 'puritanical' hat.

boring woman!

Chris Paul said...

Ms Flint for Housing. Should have stuck to your guns Iain.

Anonymous said...

Flint replaces Cooper at Housing

Mulligan said...

Never trust anyone who speaks quicker and louder when they sense anyone else wants to speak, or whose default sentence always manages to put the word "and" together at least twice.

Oh and mingers with attitude are to completely swerved at all cost.

Voila, that is Flint. Horrible woman.

Anonymous said...

Iain, I hardly think that the over sensitive Ms Flint is 'doing well'.

She is a junior cabinet minister appointed in the dying phases of a corrupt and discredited government.

She is the political equivalent of a recently emerged zit on the body dying from gangerine!

And as for glam - only a gay man could consider this fish wife glam!