Culture Minister James Purnell is a photogenic kind of chap. Always keen to help out in a photo op. But as this BBC story points out, he's in the do-do over having himself superimposed on a photo (above) after he turned up late for it. His press officer denied he had agreed to this, but later they flip flopped and said they thought it was for "internal use only". Interestingly Mr Purnell was at the forefront of those critising the BBC for falsifying footage. People have now lost their jobs for that. The Tories have responded vigorously and more or less called for Purnell's head...
This morning James Purnell’s spokesman said that he had agreed to the fake photo but thought it was for internal use. This afternoon he is blaming the hospital, changing his story and pretending that he didn’t agree to the fake photo after
all. People will make their own minds up whether to believe the hospital or a Labour Minister but his position tonight looks entirely untenable.
You may think that is overkill, but just remember the Labour reaction to Ed Matts in Dorset at the last election when he photshopped a photo on his election literature. However, I can exclusively reveal that this is not the first time James Purnell has been accused of doctoring photos. Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you the evidence...
You could have photoshopped the pinkness out of his face and made the head a bit smaller. A poor photoshopper but a good sendup.
Penyffordd District.
Ja! Englisch humor. Sehr gut. You guys are so funny.
" It was a photo of two halves"
James (Wolstenholme) Purnell
It was a shame that he was found out, not!
I hope that he has the guts to explain what he was up to for himself and not hide behind the spin doctors from No 10. The BBC news report included an explanation that the photo was for internal use, and that a member of the hosptial trust suggested that the missing MP could be added into the photograph. This is a classic NuLab line, it is someone else (a junior) who shoulders the blame.
I look forward to hearing Mr Purnell's own version of events, not a second hand spun version.
His denial always seemed a little bit suspect when it was revealed he'd been asked to 'stand in the same place'.. That doesn't prove he knew what was going to happen, but the fact that he didn't appear to raise any questions means that we now are..
Perhaps he will soon be presenting the new arts of programme on BBC2 ?
Oh, the stupidity! Doesn't Purnell get the fact that, since FOI, there's no such thing as 'internal use only'?
Genuine photo to prove Purnell has guts and that the photo is really being put to internal use on my blog today
Regards Xavier
A member of Purnell's staff has been editing wikipedia for months, in order to polish Purnell's reputation and castigate any opposition. For details, see http://nomottrambypass.blogspot.com/2007/09/fake-purnell-on-loose-in-tameside.html
Damn the speed of the internet!
My World Cup version is (possibly) in one of the nationals tomorrow, although I believe it will appear very small.
Hi, we have linked to your dodgy photoshop job from James Purnell's Bogus Journeys, a blog we have set up to chronicle the Secretary of State for Media, Culture and Art's photoshop adventures. I hope thats ok.
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