Today we have the TOP TEN WELSH BLOGS, chosen by Sandeff Rhyferys, who writes the Ordovicius Blog. I have to say I'm not sure I agree with some of his ordering, but that's what makes these lists fun!.
Coming soon - the Top 20 Scottish Blogs, Irish Blogs and Green Blogs...
1. Normal Mouth (LAB)
2. Glyn Davies (CON)
3. Valleys Mam (NON)
4. Peter Black AM (LIB)
5. Paul Flynn MP (LAB)
6. Dylan Jones-Evans (CON)
7. Miserable Old Fart (NON)
8. Guerilla Welsh-fare (PLAID)
9. G W E (PLAID)
10. Vaughan Roderick (MEDIA)
11. David Cornock (MEDIA)
12. Ceredig (PLAID)
13. Cascittuni (CON)
14. Wales World Nation (NON)
15. Linguanaut (CON)
16. Bethan Jenkins (PLAID)
17. Homage to Catatonia (LAB)
18. Betsan Powys (MEDIA)
19. Nick Bourne AM (CON)
20. Leighton Andrews AM (LAB)
Top 10 Newcomers
Top 10 Underrated Blogs
Top 10 Medical Blogs
Top 10 Religious Blogs
I visit them all every day - I have to say they are all excellent - I love keeping up with Welsh politics!
Homage to Catatonia makes it onto the blogroll for the name alone. Brilliant.
I thought self promotion was a New Labour exclusive. We get it Iain, you are publishing a book. Meanwhile the UK banking industry has been re-nationalised. Maybe I have got my priorities wrong!
Any reason the Welsh get 20 and the rest of us get only top 10s. Is this more of your anti-English celtish bias McIain?
Meanwhile, Nick Clegg's third party voting figures - supposed to show us what the Lib Dems are for - are utterly ridiculous.
He is from a different school to Old Ming and that's the all means necessary, exaggerate and fib school. If Ming really has offered him the succession for being a good boy now as reported in the Mail - bit annoying for members who thought they'd get a vote (cf Labour) - then this is a good thing for the rest of us I think.
He's a proper weasel not a kindly old gentleman or a figure of fun.
Careful Iain, there won't be a reason to buy the book if you keep posting more of these!
Hmm, no offence, but why nothing about the ongoing banking crisis?
Bloody hell Dale, this blog has become the equivalent of some crappy C4 show fronted by Jimmy Carr - top 10 this, top 20 that.
Get with some news would you?
The UK goes into financial meltdown, Ming admits he is useless and what do we get?
The top 10 Welsh blogs.
You have reached your nadir.
Linguanaut and Leighton Andrews AM - bloody boring
Shane, this top "ten" was obviously compiled by Gordon Brown - what else would explain the double counting ?
Alan Douglas
God. It shows what a state left-bloggers are in when 5 Tories make it into the top 20 WELSH blogs!
Wasn't Paul Flynn found guility for libel and forced to publish an apology on his blog (which he has since taken down). He also loves Kin Jong-Il and North Korea.
Can we expect the loathsome racist Cllr Terry Kelly to feature in the top 20 Scottish blogs?
Oh! Oh! You're in trouble.
Odourousvindictivus' name is Sanddef Rhyferys, not Sandeff.
As you have completely failed to research his name correctly you now run the risk of his opprobrium.
He's very 'picky' about anything Welsh, indeed to goodness he is.
He bans people from his blog for dissenting views and brands them as racist without providing any evidence.
Take cover while you can.
Your pal.
Welsh Blogs??
Odourousvindictivus' name is Sanddef Rhyferys, not Sandeff.
He's very 'picky' about anything Welsh, indeed to goodness he is.
As in -like most people, you'll be surprised to hear- I detest bigots
He bans people from his blog for dissenting views and brands them as racist without providing any evidence
No, I just delete your posts, Johnny. Racism is unacceptable, as is trolling racist comments against Welsh speakers on behalf of a certain element in Welsh Labour. If you truly feel that you have genuine "dissenting views" Johnny, then come out in the open and prove that you're not working for a certain Labour AM, instead of insulting the name of retired forces personnel by pretending to be one of their number.
Any reason the Welsh get 20 and the rest of us get only top 10s. Is this more of your anti-English celtish bias McIain?
Look at number 19. That should give you a clue. ;-)
Howard et al. There have been several posts on the banking crisis and Ming's general uselessness. It's very simple. You see that downward arrow at the right hand side of your keyboard?. Press it and scroll down. Dear oh dear.
You insist on describing me as a troll and yet YOU troll me wherever I go. Are you really just a stalker? This is fun.
You continually describe me as racist and to date offer NO evidence. Sticks and stones, pal.
At no time have I described myself as an ex-serviceman. I have stated truthfully that I have been in uniformed service and have been decorated as such. Her Majesty has many uniforms.
You then ask that I identify myself. What on earth for?
Your further allegation that I work for a "certain Labour AM" had me rolling about in laughter.
I have told you before, I am a proponent of the "None of these Turkeys" Party and that includes your Labour AMs.
So sorry to disappoint you.
Your pal.
You insist on describing me as a troll and yet YOU troll me wherever I go. Are you really just a stalker? This is fun.
Yes, I came here to troll your Top 20 of Welsh blogs. No, hang on, It's the other way around...
have told you before, I am a proponent of the "None of these Turkeys" Party and that includes your Labour AMs.
Yes, your staple line. Unfortunately (for you) it is only too evident that this is not the case.
So sorry to disappoint you.
You never dissappoint me, Johnny. Ever.
Girls, girls! Do take your little squabble somewhere else!
Ive added a bit of commentary as to the Top Ten of my list HERE
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