Today we have the TOP TWENTY SCOTTISH BLOGS, chosen by Grant Thoms, who writes the Tartan Hero blog.
Coming soon - the Top 20 Irish Blogs, Green Blogs and more...
1. Rolled-up Trousers (NON)
2. Doctor Vee (NON)
3. Blether with Brian (MEDIA)
4. Edinburgh Sucks! (NON)
5. Scots and Independent (SNP)
6. IndyGal (SNP)
7. Freedom and Whisky (CON)
8. 1820: Rise Like Lions (SNP)
9. J Arthur MacNumpty (NON)
10. Councillor Andrew Burns' Really Bad Blog (LAB)
11. North to Leith (SNP)
12. Havering On (NON)
13. Angus Nicolson (SNP)
14. Kezia Dugdale (LAB)
15. Hollyrood Chronicles (NON)
16. MicroShaft (CON)
17. Scottish Toryboy (CON)
18. A big stick and a small carrot (LEFT)
19. A Place to Stand (NON)
20. TerryWatch (CON)
Top 20 Welsh Blogs
Top 10 Newcomers
Top 10 Underrated Blogs
Top 10 Medical Blogs
Top 10 Religious Blogs
Yes we know you are publishing a book. We get the message. Some of us are getting turned off your blog with these self promotions. Is the banking crisis not interesting enough for you!
Howard, it's actually to do with promoting other blogs, as well as the book. There have been three posts on the banking crisis. As I am not in the country I have left it to Shane to comment on it mainly. But I am back today.
Why are you wasting your time on this?
The only political story in town is the ICM poll showing Cameron going South faster than shit through a goose, and with two more out tomorrow saying the same. Why aren't you commenting??
No post on this morning's Guardian poll then Iain?
Iain, OK I just hope you get the point that I and others have made.
Banking crisis? The only crisis in Britain at the moment mate is the crisis of confidence in the Tory leadership.
"David Cameron is now Britain's least popular party leader, liked less than Gordon Brown or Sir Menzies Campbell, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today" says the front page of that newspaper today...
Why aren't you linking to Osama Saeed?
People who are internet savvy do not buy books about the internet because they find what information they need on the internet.
Additionally, by definition, these types of books are out of date even before they are completed, let alone printed.
Once again the ENGLISH blogs will be feeling most put out. And on the question of Northern Rock: Crisis? What Crisis? All over now, nothing to see.
Can't believe Ridiculous Politics doesn't make that list. That is where I discuss (steal) most of my Scottish stories.
BTW Are you doing a top 10 Manx Bloggers. ;-)
Not another 'Top something or other'. Please stop running these Polyfilla articles Iain - they're rubbish. Your blog is starting to resemble Shite's Miscellany but with more of the brown stuff.
I was wondering what you made of the dispiriting poll today myself. Surely , surely; people don`t want Brown. The thought of five years of that Scottish Socialist lying Despot is unbearable .
I detest him now,what will it be like in year.Perhaps its time to join the diaspora
Iain, what about the polls?
Why no link to Rolled-up Trousers?
>what about the link on Osama Saeed
A fair point, Iain. Could you explain?
But the biggest surprise: has Mr Eugenicide imploded with rage?
>faster than shit through a goose
As an ex-goose-keeper and avid goose-eater - wonderful phrase.
Once per 3 minutes, I understand.
Only #20 for Terry Watch?
Terry Watch is the best political blog in Britain and you muppets rank it as only Scotland 20th best?!?
Time to call for the men in white coats to collect Iain Dale.
It's a bit bizarre you're not actually linking to your number one Scottish blog isn't it?
Oops. Corrected. Thanks for pointing it out.
I take it you are only referencing political blogs. There's some really good and high trafficking Scottish blogs out there that don't touch politics.
I'm not sure about the attribution of a number of these blogs. Many of the non-aligned blogs are pro-independence. Perhaps it would be worth noting if the "non-aligned blogs" are pro-independence or pro-Union - as in Scottish politics this is a large part of political positioning and useful to know in setting out the context of postings.
And what about Robert Sharp!?
Oh well... he is good though.
Have to admit I'm rather surprised to have made the top 20, of course that hasn't stopped me posting about it.
Thanks very much,
Your not the only one who was surprised Tory Boy
Thanks very much Gus
I think you misunderstand me are you by any chance Nice But Dim?
Haha, no I am not Gus. I maybe did misunderstand you, I wasn't operating at 100% on Friday, or any Friday come to think of it.
NO mention for Scottish Futures www.scottishfutures.net?
Scottish Futures is 10000 time better than some on this list, from the professional but dull (Brians Blethers) to the amateur but dull (tto many to mention).
Do you know one of the best portuguese writers ever: CRISTÓVÃO DE AGUIAR?
Thank you.
Just a point of clarification. Despite being number 13 on the list (I'm hugely flattered) and listed as an SNP blogger, I was actually expelled by the SNP in March 2007 whilst SNP Group Leader on Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council).
It is more accurate to say I have no particular political affiliation at present.
can I be so bold as to recommend http://www.glenrothesspoon.com it has a fine section on the Glenrothes by-election candidate's celebrity lookalikes.... :)
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