But seriously, BUSH IS CRAP SAYS PRESCOTT is actually the headline on the front page of the Independent today. He apparently said it in a private meeting, and his office isn't denying it.
Presumably newsworthy as a rare example of the "Prescott speaks truth"
Did this Bush get in the way of croquet shot?
I'm not going to disagree with him (for various reasons), but what is it that they say about people who live in glass houses?
Hoho... I've just seen the tagline beneath the headline- it couldn't get any better!
Have a gander- http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00171/p1-170806_171407a.jpg
Perhaps it was a malentendu and he meant to say, "A bush is something to crap behind." He grew up without indoor lavvies.
2Jags even does a mean impression of Dubya's comical misspeaking.
I suppose it takes one to know one...
I wonder what sort of crap bar steward Cowboy John was?
Shock news, pot questions credentials of kettle.
A detailed analysis of America's foreign policy by the world's leading expert on crap. Thank you.
Prezza's actually right! Bush is crap. The pot calls the kettle black!
Iain, I am going to refuse to be drawn into suggesting Prezza will make a comment about the Pope...
I'm sure he will share the results of his fact-finding trip to the ranch, that bears really DO prefer to use andrex in the forest..even in a heatwave...
Kettles Pots Black
Prescott needs to go out on a note which will revive flagging enthusaiasm for him on the Backbenches.
Whatever Jabba The Hut says or does is irrelevant. He is unimportant
Apparently ITV are spending £1.5 million on a film about Prezza's exploits. Warren Clarke is favourite for the leading role. Central to the drama will be scenes of a sexual nature, says the Telegraph gleefully.
Same production outfit that made A Very Social Secretary.
It's great to hear John's detailed and insightful analysis of international relations, the key issues the west faces and the policy choices and spending decisions we need to make to face down these challenges...erm sorry got a bit confused there...John is a ugly fat buffoon with less than zero political credibility and a disgrace to Parliament and the Labour Party
He is now denying it! Just how many times do we have to put up with this incompetent pensioner, who never engages brain before opening mouth.
Just what has he promised the muslim Kommunity?
However correct he might be, and much as we might welcome some honest, 'down-to-earth', un-spun analysis from a politician for a change .....
..... for the Deputy Prime Minister, who currently has charge of the governance of this country (well, in theory at least), to make such a coarse remark in public, is one more nail in the coffin of UK respecability.
This man is ignorant, immoral and most certainly 'not fit for purpose' (whatever that purpose might be).
It wasn't really 'in public', though, vervet, was it? It was at a meeting with some Labour MPs, which he thought was private (thus demonstrating an alarming degree of naivete, of course).
I'm not, of course, asking Iain to break any confidences, but would he like to comment on my suspicion that some senior Conservative figures sometimes use less diplomatic language in meetings with their colleagues than they might choose to employ in a more public setting?
Thimbledick wants to watch it, he'll get the sack!
Sorry if this is a double, connection went down.
I'm sure I read on the BBC somewhere this morning that the Cabinet Office is lining up some MPs who were present who didn't hear him say it. It's like Arsene Wenger - if they didn't hear it, he clearly didn't say it ;)
The inevitable, I suppose: http://www.moneymad.org/roadmap.jpg
Considering that 95% of the population believe Fatboy to be a lying stupid lying ignorant lying thick lying useless lying bastard I would think that his assessment of Bush will improve Dubya's credibility no end.
From 3-shags (and counting), I imagine the full quote is "Bush is crap - I prefer a Hollywood".
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