Now as you all know, this is a very democratic blog. What I say goes! But my blog banners seem to be a cause of some comment. Some people like the occasional change of colour and others don't. So in the interests of reality blogging and community involvement (get on with it - ed) I thought I'd let y'all decide on the future - rotating colours or a permanent one. Or couldn't you give a flying ****?
UPDATE: the Poll is now closed. Only 9% wanted me to change to a permananent banner, so the rotation continues. The people have spoken!
Damn. Outnumbered.
I'll just have to get some stronger shades and a tub of Migraleve.
I would have thought that a Conservative would prefer not to be associated with change for change's sake or maybe I'm just an old fuddy duddy?
On the other hand perhaps you could rename your blog 'Iain Dale's NuDiary' or maybe 'NuIain Dale's Diary' in support of the chameleonism that seems to be all the rage these days.
I think we should be allowed to vote.
How about one that flashes!
Wasn't it Sartre who claimed to re-invent himself anew every morning?
Maybe you should change the piccie instead. Beret and Gauloise?
Ugh, I don't want to think of Iain flashing at me from his website!!!
Iain, seems like this poll - like most on websites - is unable to determine one user in Parliament from another and tells me I have already voted, even though I haven't.
You probably don't care what people in Parliament think(!), but for what it's worth I like the changing colours on the banner.
Especially the red one. :-)
More important than the banner is to sort out the layout, which on this Mac, at least, is quite naff, with the left column hard against the edge of the window and the whole thing off centre relative to the banner. Both Safari and Firefox. Screen grabs available.
I liked the old design. It wasn't slow because it had 3 columns, but because of all the ads, which have to be pulled in from other places. It's still fairly slow.
Being pretty (the blog, that is) is important – you're an A-list Blogger.
Come to think of it, blogs with red banners are a bit like putting up a red cross and an "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" in ye Olde Englishe font.
Especially these days...
Please stick with one colour. I read so many blogs now that if it comes up a different colour, I think i've clicked on the wrong link. (Many blogs take a long time to load in IE6 from behine my employer's firewall and WebSense filter.)
"Change to win. Win for Britain."
I'm pretty sure Iain knows which way his bread is buttered :)
The problem is not so much the rotation of the banner colour as the shades picked. PLease dispense with the virulent green and the aggressive mauve.
I love all the colours, and whichever one is up is my favourite. I think the chartreuse is chic and daring. I think the whole concept is very stylish, and every colour brings a different mood. Very clever and unique, say I, and very pleasing.
I try to avoid offensive language, and I don't click on options usijng dubious language, but I would vote for "I couldn't care less"
'every colour brings a different mood' I thought Verity only had one mood - spittle-flecked rage
I like the colours. I think it is good that they keep changing. The only colour I have come across so far that I didn't like was the red (a bit NuLab for a Tory blog I think).
Whatever happed to the Duckey-Egg Blue?
I think you should just re-name it 'The A-list (2:2)'
Love the banners. Now that you're on the A-List (whisper it...), I anticipate some more choice quotes from David Cameron. And surely there's a quote from Prescott in your general direction that ought to have pride of place?
Stay with the blue, but rotate the comments - with maybe a few new ones from well known politicians from all parties/ other luminaries as opposed to journos.
Change the picture occasionally - other poses/costumes perhaps?
Verity, Verity, I say unto you:- it's great to get an occasional snatch of you on Iain's comments, but really what you need is a blog of your own - you know you want to.
I don't mind them changing colours, but if they could be a bit less lurid, that might save my eyesight
Dump all of them, and go back to the one you used before with the Cross of St George. I liked that one.
All blogs should put a flag on them, even if it's a strange conglomeration photoshop job like mine...
Your banner has me very puzzled. In your profile it says "right of centre", but when I look at you're always on the left. I wish you could make your mind up :0)
Being a Tory Iain, I see you are sticking with changing colours ... Chameleon maybe ;o)
y'all ?!
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