When I took my early morning blogging constitutional I was most amused to see an item on
Guido's Blog about the sexiest MP in Nottinghamshire.
BBC Nottingham are conducting a poll. Looking down the list it has to be said that Nottinghamshire is not exactly overendowed with goodlooking politicians. Quite how Nick Palmer had registered 4%, God only knows. Mrs Palmer must be permanently clicking the mouse I guess. A wise 48% of the voters had clicked on None of the Above. My friend Patrick Mercer, who is the Shadow Homeland Security Minister was on a pisspoor 2%. But what's this? A sudden Mercer surge to the front. A mere 8 hours later Patrick has a massive 36% of the vote. I suspect his admirers among the House of Commons secretaries have been putting the word about. There's not a dry seat in the House when Patrick's about... so I;m reliably informed. Should you wish to register your vote for Patrick, click
Eye tests required for blind and desperate Commons secretaries! Perhaps it was Blunkett!
Beauty is only skin deep and behind this kindly face there is a benevolent despot with an iron fist in a velvet glove!!!
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