So Abu Hamza has been sentenced to seven years in jail... but he'll no doubt be out in three. We await riots in the streets. Hamza will no doubt be consoling himself that his wife will still be raking in the housing benefit and various other social security benefits worth more than £50,000 a year. We must be mad.
With a bit of luck, by the time he's released the incoming Tory government will be able to hand him over to the Yanks for further prosecution.
& as I understand it, their sentencing policy is somewhat tougher than ours.
Mad? I don't know how in the world anyone manages to get 50k via the benifit system...
When you add mortgage or rent payments, council tax benefits, benefits for each child, and the fact that as his 'carer' she will also get Carer's Allowance. Plus he has been collecting Disability Benefit which is higher than the other benefit rates. If there are any children with disabilities she will get extra for them. Still counting?
Nice work if you can get it.
What about freedom of speech? This is a victory for the forces of Blair's police state. The BNP, UKIP and the Tories will be the next in line.
Nonsense!! This is merely the rule of law being exercised. What a splendid day for British justice.
Bloody hell, Bill.... "by the time he's released the incoming Tory government." What do you think he got...life!
Freedom of speech, anonymous? You have got to be a Lib Dem. Or a friend of that loathesome Harold Pinter.
Having freedom of speech does not allow you to yell 'fire' in a crowded cinema.
How does he wipe his arse with that hook?
Must play merry hell with his 'farmer giles'!
" Koranic Scholar said...
How does he wipe his arse with that hook?
Must play merry hell with his 'farmer giles'! "
No doubt a state funded colo-rectal hygiene technician is provided for him.
Guess who pays?
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