I've just watched a recording of the Channel 4 Political Awards which took place last week. In the last few years barely a Tory has won anything, mainly because of the overwhelming number of Labour MPs who dominated the voting. But this year Dominic Grieve, Chris Grayling and Michael Gove swept the board. But the most heartwarming moment came at the end when Tony Benn presented his son Hilary with the Politician of the Year Award. We'll quickly pass over the fact that any independent observer would surely have given the award to David Cameron, but it was a joy to see the satisfaction Tony Benn got out of the fact that his son won the award. His eyes weren't the only ones a little moist. I'll admit that I am a bit of a fan of Hilary Benn, who is a genuinely nice guy. Probably too nice to get to the top, but if I were a Labour MP I'd be encouraging him to throw his hat into the ring. He's got to me more appealing that the Dour One.
Iain, you're at it again! "any independent observer would surely have given the award to David Cameron"
Where are all these independent observers then? At the UN? At the Black & White ball?
I take it that "nice guy" is not refering to his sexuality in any way?
To declare my hand a little, I’m working at DFID at the moment, and I can honestly say I’ve never heard a bad word about Hilary Benn. He’s universally popular, which these days is pretty much unheard of… so, well deserved.
Hilary Benn does indeed seem a genuinely popular sort of a fella, at various Labour constituency levels...
He seems to be doing the rounds quite assiduously, but also warmly and impressively.
I remember meeting him a few years ago, accompanying his then-more-of-a-star-dad to the school a couple of the Benn family kids attended, and he seemed much, much happier to slip into the background. But seems to have had his timing spot-on ever since. Especially if the Home Office reshuffle tips further down this board prove anywhere close...
Could he indeed go down in history as the inspiration for a new political phrase, albeit a slight tweaking of a much older-established one?: "He had a good tsunami"...
The biggest obstacle to Hilary Benn getting to the top is his name. Where I come from (ooop north), Hilary is a girls name. He needs to change it to something more suitable for a manly Labour leader - and thus getting rid of the owlish, middle-aged Harry Potter look - at a stroke......
My suggestions are 'Billy Benn'..... 'Tom Henry Benn' ........ 'Aneurin Benn'....... 'Keir Hardy Benn'.
With a name like one of these, Hilary suddenly becomes a man with coal dust still in his fingernails and callouses the size cauliflowers on his hands....
I must away now, my tripe and onions are ready.
Alfie, just remind yourself which part of the world sends Hilary to Parliament.... with a share of the vote most MPs only dream of.
That bloody diappearing act is happening on this blog again!
Regarding the Channel 4 Awards I wasn't too impressed with the behaviour of those MPs who were continually talking over the winners speeches.Not good manners at all.
Eh up Councillor Bob, how's Sandwell?
(BTW - I'm thinking of standing in the locals myself)
Yes I know Hilary has a Leeds constituency - exactly proves my point. Those Yorkies are a right load o' nutters and softies!
Regards, Alfie - from Lancashire :-)
Lots of people are tipping Hilary for the top, except that is when you ask Hilary himself. Realistically he doesn't have the required 'machine' behind him. What's a much more likely scenario is H for deputy PM.
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