My colleagues and I popped over to Westminster for lunch today to be confronted by the glorious sight of the BBC's John Pienaar dressed as a hippee. He was filming for tonight's THIS WEEK programme. The subject of his film? I leave it to you to speculate.
Is he wearing real fur? Surely that is not allowed at the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
Why should we be forced to pay for this sort of caper?
The BBC's compulsive belief that all politics items have to be lightened up by silly music and the presenter dressing up etc is really distracting. The people who watch politics programmes are interested in politics, not seeing John Pienaar in a kaftan.
(The Politics Show East's report on the Norwich North byelection last Sunday began with speeded up video of canvassers overlaid with 'Yakety Sax'. How clichéd, how pathetic)
Somehow he looks rather better like that. Those ill-fitting suits of his do very little to flatter, and he really does need the services of a decent shirtmaker. Maybe you could lend him one of your ties - but only after lunch, eh?
I guess he's probably doing a report on the reaction to the Vietnam War in America, contrasting it wtih our current situation in Afghanistan.
I enjoy watching This Week. The silly reports don't bug me so much as their tendency to get the latest pop star to pronounce on the weighty issues of the day. But still, you can't have it all.
Gosh - Mr Boothroyd is just as miserable an old git as I am.
Mrs. Dale,
what an excellent use of licence-payers' money.
I suspect you meant "Peace, man".
He cannot be a hippy. He hasn't got enough hair.
Tonight's edition of This Week will include someone commenting on politics while dressed like a prat????? Wow! That's innovative.
What will they try next? Crap soap stars brought in to comment on world events?
And they say the BBC are dumbing down...
But it's This Week, so isn't this what we've come to expect?
(Word verification for this post is "willvote", I'm sure this is not connected....)
What's a hipee?
When you take a leak on a mountain?
I think you mean hippy.
So we open the programme with General Patreus saying that "The Taliban are a spent force" do we?
C.F. General Westmoreland saying in Saigon "The Viet Cong are a spent force" days before the Tet offensive in 1968.
Those of an age might also remember the edifying sight of the helicopters on the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon in 1975 as the Americans abandoned their allies.
Edification?? - Yes, a lesson in not trusting your allies THAT much.
Actually, the BBC is starting to get on my t*ts as well. I tried to watch the Daily Politics today and there was some guy playing golf.
I think that Brillo is pushing it a bit with this golf obsession of his. Let's hope they don't do golf tonight on This Week as well.
Diane Abbott will be furious.
40th anniversary of Woodstock perhaps?
Maybe there was a Sly Stone or Jimi Hendrix wig waiting for him in the green room
maybe there was a Sly Stone of Jimi Hendrix wig waiting for him in the green room...
Aren't you going to post on the Tories' summer reading list? What does it reveal? It's on the BBC politics page.
I don't agree with gay marriage or gay sex but believe in traditional Christian values found in the bible.
Yes politics is inextricably linked to religion - and I am proud to be a traditional Christian.
This is how BBC types dress in the office. He's just popped out without getting changed into his "street" clothes that employees have to wear when mingling with ordinary folk.
Would Sir Robin Day have ever dressed like a tit?
I think he's off to join the Craig Murray mung-bean stew peace'n'love'n'self-righteous Grauniad tosspot express to Norwich. Probably the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation are giving him time off to campaign.
Who allowed Margo James to speak for the Tories on Question Time?
She's absolutely hopeless.
The audience is laughing at her.
>>I am proud to be a traditional Christian.<<
Isn't pride a sin ?
what on earth is a "hippee"?
Hi !
a tip about a scandal in sweden.
havent you had problems in Somerset AHA with scandinavian doctors ?
Regards Michael
May I make a suggestion, after watching that awful appearance, on Question Time,of Margo James.
It is time that David Cameron and Cleggy started appearing on this programme, answering directly questions from us plebs.
That may force Brown outofthe bunker and that would be truly riveting television, especially if he got the full treatment!
May I say I do agree, for the second time, with David Boothroyd.
We are used to those three prats on that programme weekly, but this is quite ridiculous.
"Your moment of the week Dianne"
"Well, (gasp for air, eyes roll heavenwards), Andrew, it was the moment I decided I could not, on a matter of conscience, (lays hand on Portillo's thigh),support the Conservative Motion against the extradition act.
Brillo"what was the matter of conscience, Dianne, you had already signed a motion with Labour colleagues backing Gary MacKinnon against him being extradited to the USA for computer hacking"
Dianne Abbott, eyes rolling around and around, head looking away from Brillo, hand still on Portillo's thigh, " Yes I had because I believe he should not be extradited BUT, BUT, BUT this was a conservative motion and I could not, in all conscience support a Conservative motion"
Brillo "So, Dianne you let this man McKinnon down"..
Dianne Abbott, eyes rolling furiously, Head shaking to and fro, both hands now on Portillo's thigh. "No, Andrew, it was the Conservatives playing politics! They were being opportunistic"
Brillo "What about Gary McKinnon" Dianne Abbott, looking down at the floor, hands now clasped, as if in prayer,"Andrew, it is a disgrace. I feel for him, his family. BUT BUT BUT I know he will get true justice in the USA
He looks like a Costa street vendor selling bootleg CDs from BBC Enterprises circa 1982. Perhaps its a new BBC Marketing Strategy
Having just watched,again, question time, How on earth did this woeful woman,Margo James,become a Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party?
Even a member of the audience had to ask who she was!!! The questioner referred to her as'The lady in Pink'
So lightweight she was completely out of her depth.
If Cameron really wants to win the general election, he has got to put real fighters on programmes.
That woman lost so many votes..she made the ghastly Chris Bryant look good!
The BBC are no doubt shooting a remake of various Vietnam films, although with a witty/BBC Afghanistan twist.
The scene from Apocloypse Now will be recreated with Snatch Landrovers playing "The Ride Of The Valkyries" because the government 'forgot' to buy enough helicopters.
Ed Balls will pop up at some point an admit that he "Loves the smell of deceit in the morning".
Gordon Brown will play Marlon Brando's role (although only during the scenes where Brando is insane).
The BBC will also reveal that "Margaret Becket Don't Surf".
This of course confirms the BBC's bias to the left.
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